Chapter 2

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Asamis pov:

'No no not again'
I ran into the bathroom and slid down the door and bawled my eyes out in my hands. I heard faint footsteps outside, I jumped up and ran into a stall and got on a toilet. Just as I got in the stall the door busted open.

'Who's this, I thought, It doesn't sound like a

"Hey, I can't really be in here so if you're in here just let me know you're okay,?"

I carefully slid of the toilet top and opened the door and, not so surprisingly I was met with a boy
"I- uh just wanted to know if you were okay ."
"I'm fine."
He walked towards me and put his hand to my cheek and wipe it probably because of the tears.
' you just met me, weirdo'

The door busted open again and the dude quickly recoiled and spun around as Korra walked in.
"What are you doing in here, I know you're a little stupid but this is the girl's bathroom." Korra spat

" I was just checking on asami, calm down." he said
"Mako just get out,I don't have time for you and your bullshit."  Korra stated
He scoffed and took one last glance at me before walking away and slightly
Shoved Korra while walking by.

" you good ?"

"Yea what was that though?"

" that was mako and honestly if I was you I'd stay away from him,he's no good." korra said I was confused cause he seems nice. "He seems nice,why would I stay away from someone nice?"
" it's all an act,trust me." Just as Korra said that ,the bell rung.

"Come on it's time for ELA" she said walking out

' weird, this whole school is just weird' i thought walking out after wiping the remaining tears.

                       The end of the day
" uh, Korra." I wanted to thank Korra for helping me with my schedule today.
"Yea?" She turned around and looked up at me I realized something I didn't before.

Her eyes, they were so blue they're addicting like a drug, honestly if they were I wouldn't mind taking them all day

"Asami?" She said waving her hand in my face.

" oh sorry I just wanted to thank you for helping me today ." i said

"don't sweat it, it's the basic human thing to do."

"If you're comfortable I would like to get your number. " I stated but came out sounding like a question. " yea sure." She handed me her phone and I handed her mine. We put our numbers in then gave each other our phones back.

"Gotta run, text me though." she shouted while running away. I turn my head back in front of where korra was standing just as John, a family friend pulled up.
"Get in bitch,we're going shopping!!"

I hopped in the car and then we sped off.

"where should we go first?" I asked knowing John would want to go everywhere.
"Mmm....... H&M." He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards H&M.

"None of these clothes are cute." I say walking away from another clothing rack. "What about this?" John asked holding up a red long sleeve crop top.  " I don't know,red isn't really your color ." I said trying to make it sound nice, but it still sounded mean in my head.

" for you dummy" he said,throwing the shirt at me.

' seems like makos not the only slow one'

After a couple more minutes of me following john like a dog while he threw clothes at and asked questions about school we finally went to the register. Me and john walked up, the cashier started scanning my clothes and I did not expect this to happen.

" so ho- WAIT I KNOW YOU!"

Me and john flinched at the sudden noise coming from the cashier. "Heh... sorry got too excited, I'm opal" she said sticking her hand out towards me,
I hesitated at first but shook her hand.
"How do you know her?" John asked 

" right sorry I know she was at least in my first period class but then after first period I didn't her anymore I wanted to talk to you but you're really quick on your feet." She said chuckling

" alrighty, your total $105.25."

I glanced at John as he pulled his card out as well

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