Chapter 5

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A/N= there will definitely be a lot of time skips  im also really sorry about not updating

Korra's pov:

I honestly don't have any words that can fill my rage for him

"Mako you're late...again if you're late one more time I'll have to send a note home"

"Sorry teach got delayed"

"Mako if you were out there messing around in the bathroom again that would be a note and a write up"

"But the bathroom so boring without me" he said with sarcasm"

"Mako take a seat, god this is why I drink" mr. Bumi  said saying the last part low enough for me and probably a few other students to hear.

Mako sat down next to asami with a wink before looking at the whiteboard. I looked at asami to her smiling while looking at the whiteboard.


                            -2nd period-

Me and asami were walking in science when Mrs.Kya called out to asami.

"Asami, a word?" She looked at me before walking to Mrs.Kya I stood where I was not wanting to move away since Mrs. Kya was glaring at the student next to her, the student that yell across the room yesterday.

"Speak" Mrs.Kya said pushing the kid towards asami. "I-I'm sorry for calling your mom a whore"
"And?" Mrs.Kya said sternly.
"Calling your dad a killer and I hope you can forgive me."

"Um- sure?"
She walked back over towards me looking back seeing mrs.Kya lecturing the student.

"Yay asami I have you in this class too!!" Opal said coming into the class getting asami's attention She looked over at mrs.Kya and the other student. "Im guessing tahno got caught for yesterday ?" "His names tahno?" Me and asami said at the same time, leaving opal laughing her ass off on the way to her seat.

                           - 3rd period-

" uh asami can I ask you as question?"

"Yeah of course"

"Do you like m- " "asami hey so since you're new I was thinking you could sit with me at lunch- oh my bad where are my manners, I'm Olivia"

"Yea-sure can korra come?"
Olivia glared at me as soon as asami asked me and Olivia have had our fair share of each other and plan on not interacting with each other.

"It's fine asami plus I have to help opal with something anyway" I said walking to my signature seat in the back.

                              - LUNCH-

"Hey beifong how's it coming along?"

"Oh hey korra, so I have the design down now I just need the parts, asamis not with you?" Opal asked finally looking up. I shook my head.

"No um Olivia wanted to show her around the school, anyway I brought your favorite you should take a break as well it's lunchtime." I said sliding her favorite dumplings to her. " you know you should be careful of what group asami might fall into Olivia's practically a death zone" " yeah no kidding mako's already up to something"

Me and opal both looked up as the door to the library opened having makos twin walk in he looked around until he stopped when he saw me and opal. " hey babe" he said kissing opal on the cheek "korra" "hey bolin"

After me and makos breakup things between me and bolin have been awkward cause he's the brother of my ex and I have him in like half of my classes but his also the boyfriend of my friend who's like a sister to me. It's way too  awkward for me.

*buzz buzz*
"Uh I gotta take this see ya around"
I looked at the contact name and it was my mom

Korra- hello?
Senna-hey korra I'm coming to pick you up nagas acting up and I pretty sure she'll only listen to you.
Korra- oh okay see you soon

                                   *call ends*

I started to walking back into the library to tell opal when I ran into someone well more like someone ran into me.

"Hey! Watch where your going" I turn after getting brutally pushed only to see him  he just rolled his eyes and started walking away " mako I don't know what your planning but leave asami out of it, I won't let you do her how you did me"

He stopped in his tracks and started walking towards me and kept walking until we were inches apart. " and how do you plan to stop me? I've fooled almost every girl in this school from freshman year to junior year I think I can do it again" " I'll warn her I'll get every girl to tell her just like they did with me" "right let me know how that works out" he said kissing his hand then patting on my cheek a few times having the last be  more like a small slap.

I just stood there, not knowing what to did now knowing mako is actually on to something a vibration on my pocket it was mom I made my way outside and texted opal on the way about everything that happened and how I was leaving early.

"Hey how was school?" My mom asked as I got in the car. "You know my new friend asami right?"
She nodded, "makos after her."

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