Chapter 6

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Korra pov:

As soon as i opened the door I heard "footsteps" rushing down and come running to the door.
"Hey gir.....l"
I looked up to see an absolute mess in the living room, pillows all over the floor some chewed others not, lamps and pictures knocked over, and dog food all over the floor. I walked over to a family photo to a hoped was ruined I picked it up and gasped it wasn't just a family photo it was the family photo.

3 person pov:

"Come out come out wherever you are, im gonna get cha" tonraq said as we're playing hide and seek. "Naga where is she?" "Hey! That's cheating!" 6-year korra  shout getting up from behind the couch "found you" tonraq said running towards me "no you didn't"  korra  said running away from him "I'm home!" "Mommy!" Toddler  korra said take a sharp curve and headed towards her mom

"Hey pumpkin, hey baby" senna said picking up her kid and kissing her husband"

"Oh I forgot to tell you my friend is in town and I want you to met her, this is Nikki she's a photographer too." "Hi it's nice to meet the person who's my best friend happy"

"I wanna see the picture" korra said wiggling trying to get out of her mom's arms "okay korra calm down you're going fall" senna placed her toddler down who quickly ran to Nikki and stared   Up at her. "Alright here you go be careful with my camera it's very expensive" Nikki said handing her camera to the 6-year old. The 6 year old admired the picture thinking it looked beautiful.

Her parents came over to look at the picture with her. "Ew I look so gross off-guard, I still like the picture though nikki" senna said complaining about her looks but trying to make sure Nikki didn't feel bad about it. " you look amazing as always darling" tonraq said. "I can take another picture if you want please I insist" "okay then korra, come on we're taking another picture" senna said trying to get her kid's attention.

Korra handed the camera back to Nikki and ran back to her mom and dad for the picture korra stood in front of her mom but her dad pick her up and planted her on her mom's lap. "Alright 3... 2.."
"Korra be sti-"



Korra instantly hopped off her moms lap and ran up to Nikki again to see the picture with her dad following her

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Korra instantly hopped off her moms lap and ran up to Nikki again to see the picture with her dad following her. "It's perfect Nikki, thank you" tonraq said. "Yeah miss Nikki"
Nikki chuckled at the child's nickname for her "thank you"

- end of flashback-
"KORRA!!" Korra snapped her head at her mom who looked worried "are you okay honey?, you're crying" "w-what" "are you okay after I asked you if you were okay 2 times but you weren't responding" senna said. Korra looked down at the picture that was cracked and at the dog who was licking her hand.
"This mess won't clean itself if you wanna help you can" korra said wiping her tears and standing up. "Of course I'll help, you wanna talk about school or something?"

"The only thing school brings is a dick called mako" "hey watch your language, but also what about your new friend, uh salami?"

Korra chuckled at her mom's attempt at her friend's name "asami, mom" " yeah her how is she" "I don't know I've only know her for 3 days, I do know that mako and oliva are after her" "oliva too?!?" "Yea it's a cruel world" korra said *buzz buzz b-*

"Hello?" "Hey korra I didn't see you after lunch or in any other our classes, where did you go?"
"Oh stray dog incident" korra said looking at her mom and mouthing 'excuse me'
On the phone

A- what do you mean did your parents get attacked?"
K-oh no um let's night i went for walk last night and a dog followed me home and won't leave so we un-legally adopted her.
K-yea wasn't the best choice she kinda tore up the living room, so me and my mom were picking up the mess
A-oh okay so will you be at school tomorrow I kinda missed my tour guide today
K- oh right I'm sorry
A- oh no it's fine opal helped me so did some kid named bolin but they didn't make it special as you do
K-yes of course miss asami your tour guide will never miss a day again and will be there untill you learn the school routes
A-*chuckles* yes the miss thanks you
K-*chuckles* so what oliva talk to you about?
A-oh you know just stuff about the school, gossip, just girly stuff
K-*senna in the background* KORRA can you come downstairs please
A- oh do you need to go?
K-yeah call you later
Off the phone

"Yeah?" "Wanna help me tryout new recipes for work" senna asked "do you know me ? Of course I do!" Senna and Korra spent the rest of the afternoon and night trying out new recipes for her mom's work. " oh mom speaking of work you know that place you work at?" Senna looked up at her daughter who was washing her dish and nodded " turns out out asami's dad owns the place" "no way your joking" senna said smiling.

Korra shot and looked at her phone, 6:01 she let a relieved sigh "I'm not its only 6:00" "wake up anyway" "ughh" Korra climbed out of bed went went downstairs to go feed naga.

"Don't spill it this time" korra told naga who started eating it. Naga looked up at korra while eating her food. "You look like her so much" korra said while petting her fur and then heading upstairs, with a naga following her.

"What should I wear today?
*ruff ruff*
Korra looked at her dog who was walking to her opened closet and looked back at korra. "No no go ahead" the dog walked up and hit a pair of pants With its paw and turn around. "Getting dressed by a dog isn't weird at all" korra said grabbing the pants. Then naga stood up on her back legs and hit a shirt. "Uh this is a undershirt as in it needs to be worn under something"

Naga turn back around and a cropped brown sweater. "Okay this could work, great job girl"

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