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Olumpos a beautiful and vast world . It looks like the Earth but more beautiful and larger . It is a place where gods and other benevolent minor deities reside . Above all , there are the various animals and the souls of mortals who were good when they once dwelt on Earth . Here , the souls only feel peace and joy , they no longer feel the worries that have known in their life on Earth . Barely setting foot on this celestial world , the clothes of Thea Sisters , Vanilla Girls , Dina , Tanya , and those of the Cardinal Elementals change into a bright white robe pure as snow . The visit could finally begin . The queens brought them to the continent Astar , in the kingdom America . On their arrival , they encountered on the way North American Indigenous gods and souls , the deities were happy to see the queens and the Thea Sisters who visited them . During the discovery of "Celestial America" , the Thea Sisters and their friends noticed that all the cities that have visited each other are clean , not the slightest dirt , no waste lying around in the streets or no graffiti was drawn on the walls or on certain buildings , no homeless people sleeping in the streets because indeed , after their lives , they finally had a house where they could live . The souls strolled quietly , greeted each other going from place to place as they used to go in their lifetime . On a plain of celestial South Dakota , the five sovereigns and young visitors stopped near a group of playing children . Queen Motherland America explains to them that these are the souls of Native children who were forced into residential schools and never returned home . Their executioners were all severely punished after their lives , as for these children , they were welcomed here and reunited with their families who in turn arrived in Olumpos . At that time , they heard the voices of the families of these toddlers who called them , the latter joined them with joy . The visit resumed by going further south , then they left Astar to explore the Euplar continent . The Norse goddess Freyja and the Greek god Helios were waiting for them at the entrance because Queen Europe had asked them to embark in their chariot so that the Thea Sisters and theirs friends could better explore the kingdom . Both accepted with pleasure . Beginning in the north , they visited heavenly "Britain" and heavenly "Ireland" in present-day "Scandinavia" . From "France" to "Spain" and further east , in "Russia" on board chariots to the border with Aflar . They visited the north of the territory starting with the Giza kingdom where they met King Ra himself and the other Egyptian gods . In the kingdom of Neo-Jerusalem , Roni and Dina could not contain their emotion when they met the sovereign Jesus , as well as the one who allowed him to be born on Earth , the Virgin Mary , whom Roni called ''Mom'' because his mother told his before she died to call her that . Without forgetting the 12 Apostles , Noah , David , Moses and the angels of all the hierarchies . The others , who are not very religious , still took the time to introduce themselves and sympathize with them . A little later , east of Sakria , they arrive in the kingdom of Asia . In the palace , the Thea Sisters meet the famous Princess Yu whom Violet had once told her story during their trip to China . In fact , when she was still alive, Yu told the five friends that after her meeting with Queen Motherland Asia , thanks to her , she changed , she opened her heart and she spent the best years of her life , even in the moments difficult . To thank her , the princess venerated Asia until her death . As a reward for her loyalty , she became her servant and had her place in her palace . Also , Violet met her grandfather and her grandmother , she can't hold back her tears when she sees them . They wore beautiful clothes , young and in perfect health . Violet can't resist telling them about her life on Earth after Chen left the world of the living and introduced them to her friends . And finally , at the archipelagos of the Oceania kingdom , the sea was pure and clear like a huge crystal that you could even see fish and corals under water . Exactly in the ocean , there is a city . Queen Oceania explains to the girls and the boys that it is here that the navy and mermaids lived .

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