Gender Swap!

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We all fell on each other and were hurt badly, I opened my eyes and stood still, and looked where I was until my gaze landed on my friends which freaked the shit out of me.


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"Why are u all girls?", I asked to which they all freaked after seeing each other

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"Why are u all girls?", I asked to which they all freaked after seeing each other.
"Not only us Jungkook u as well.", Taehyung said and I saw myself in the phone camera.

", Taehyung said and I saw myself in the phone camera

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"What the actual Fuck!", I yelled.
"Where are we, what is this place?", Yoongi cried.
"What the hell is happening, why do I have a chest like girls.", Jin screamed.
"Jin they are called boobs.", Jimin smirked as he saw Jin.
"Jimin I will kill you if you dare to do anything over here in this situation.", Jin angrily said.
"Omg my dick is gone I have something else down here.", Namjoon said as he looked inside his pants.
"Mine too, it's replaced by a vagina.", Hoseok shouted.
"Shhh don't shout, someone will hear us.", Yoongi said. Then we all looked inside ourselves and we all had bodies of girls.
"This can't be possible, how the hell have we turned into girls.", I said as I couldn't take in what was happening to us.
"Guys let's find Y/n, maybe she knows what is happening here.", Taehyung said.
"But where should we go, and see there is no portal here.", Jin said.
"Where did the portal go?", Namjoon and Hoseok yelled together.
"This is not right.", Jimin said.
We all started walking to find Y/n.

We walked for like straight 5 hours but couldn't find her and it also started getting dark.
"I can't walk more, my feet are begging for rest.", Yoongi said and sat on the footpath.
There were a lot of people here, just like us but they all were giving us weird looks.
"Yeah me too, I can't walk.", Jimin said and lay on Yoongi's lap when Jin shouted,
"Jimin have some shame, how are you even laying? Close your legs.",
"I'm a boy dude.", Jimin said but then realized that he wasn't so he quickly closed his legs and sat straight, and just right now I noticed our heights shrank.
"Guys, did u notice something?", I said.
"What?", Taehyung asked.
"Our heights are small.", I answered to which all of them got shocked.
"I'm so small like I don't think I'm 6ft.", Namjoon said.
"Yeah me too, it doesn't feel like I'm 5'10.", Hoseok said.
"My height got even smaller.", Jimin cried and all of us weren't that shocked.
"C'mon u were already short.", Yoongi said to which we all laughed and Jimin hit Yoongi's shoulder.
"What should we do now?", Taehyung asked.
"I don't know, wait aish how stupid I am, let me call Y/n.", I said to which Jimin asked,
"You have her number?"
"Yes I took it for the project.", I said and called her but she didn't pick up the call.
"What happened?", Jin asked.
"She isn't picking up the call.", I answered.
"Now that I am a girl, I will beat the shit out of this Y/n, once I meet her.", Namjoon said.
"Yes, now it won't be against ethics as well.", Hoseok added.
We all were talking when we saw a group of 7 men coming towards us, they did not give us good vibes.
"Yaaah guys stand up.", Yoongi said.
We all stood up and started walking becoz we felt strongly that something was wrong, maybe this is becoz we are girls now.
We were walking silently but these boys were following us, we entered a street but got stuck as it was a dead end. There was a wall standing in front of us.
"Ahh girls, are u all lost?", one of them with lustful eyes said.
"Go away from here or else we won't spare you.", Namjoon said to which one of them laughed and said,
"Whatcha gonna do, fight us with those adorable hands.".
I never felt so scared, I mean when I was a boy I liked getting into such situations to become a hero but now it's freaking me out.
Those boys laughed and started coming towards us. We all got so scared, I mean non of us had the courage to fight them. We stopped when our backs touched the wall.
"Whose gonna save u from us now?", one of them said with a smirk. We all held each other's hands and closed our eyes when suddenly we heard a big thud. A man stood in front of us who was double of my height and punched one of them. Then he grabbed another one in his hands and threw him away. It was just like a movie scene.
"Pick someone of ur own size, why bother these girls like cowardly dogs.", the man said.
Oh my God, his voice is soo manly and sexy and deep. Wait what am I even saying, I'm a boy. I can't be attracted to another boy. The guy was the tallest among all of us. His back was facing us so I wasn't able to see his face. One by one he knocked off every guy over her and they ran away.
Then he turned towards us and took off the hoodie cap and we couldn't believe who he was.
"Y/N!", we all yelled together.
"Ahh GUYS! What the hell are you all doing here and why are you all girls?", she asked but wait she wasn't even a she. She had this muscular body, with a very tall height, and her hair; damn! and her face looked so manly and sexy. The jawline, the cheekbones. Oooof how could she be so hot while being a boy?
"What has happened to you? How the hell are you a boy?", Hoseok asked.
"Okay let's go home, it isn't safe for you all to stay here at this hour.", she said.
"Which home, and tell us the fucking way to get out of here.", Namjoon screamed.
"Yo young lady, language, I'm not Y/n anymore who will tolerate your shitty behavior.", she said while being serious, and all of us gulped. Oh my God, she is so sexy like this.
We listened to her and walked with her towards her house.

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