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"Girls I can explain!", I said as I looked at their bloated faces.
"Who the fuck was she?", Jiminie asked, woah I never saw her this angry.
"J-Jimine I c-can e-explain.", I said as I was stuttering.
"What will you explain huh?", Sugi yelled.
"Sugi gimme a chance to speak.", I said but Kookie and Tannie said together harshly,
"Speak WHAT!".
"T-Tannie K-Kookie l-listen to m-me!"
"What will you tell them, tell me who was that fucking lady who was calling you love, and honey...", Jinu literally exploded.
"Forget that, what was that thing about touch, lips, and body huh?", Hobi said so angrily that if there had been something in her hand she might have just struck it on my head and dislocated it.
"Girls calm down let him speak first.", Joonie said but she was also serious.
"Thank you Joonie. Girls she is my girlfriend.", and as soon as I said that everyone said,
"Why, How, and have you had $ex with her?", Jimine asked.
"What NO! How can I, I just entered this world the day you all did.", I said coz Jiminie asked something really stupid.
"Then what was all that she was saying!", Jinu commanded.
"I have told you that I am a part of this world, somehow when I wasn't here, even then I was here.", I said which really didn't make sense but if you focus then it does.
"Okay, forget about everything, just break up with her.", Kookie said.
"What, why?", I said.
"What do you mean by why, we are saying that is why.", Tannie coldly said.
"But Tannie you guys will leave after a few days, then who am I gonna get married to?", I said which kinda made the environment even worse.
"What the fuck you are planning to get married to that idiot!", Sugi said.
"Yes ahh I mean she isn't an idiot, she loves me a lot and we have both been together for the past 3 years.", I said.
"Shut up, 3 years ago you were drooling over me okay, stop this nonsense and break up with her.", Jinu said.
"I can't, what will I do when you guys leave huh? I want someone by my side.", I protested but it was useless becoz girls are stubborn as hell.
"Whatsoever it is, break up with her.", Jiminie said.
"You know what, either choose us or that bitch.", Hobi said as she folded her arms.
"What! What is this nonsense!", I said.
"Mr. David Wilson this isn't nonsense, it is a simple choice either us or her.", Hobi said. What is going on in this girl's mind, before this she used to hate me and now she is saying to choose her. Like God do you enjoy seeing me suffer like this?
Le God: Yeah I love it, it's like a movie with a lot of twists.
"Yes, if you choose her we won't mind and quietly leave your place.", Tannie said.
"WTF, you all can't do that!", I said.
"Yes David we can!", Kookie said.
"Why are you making a mountain of a molehill?", Joonie said.
"Shut up Joonie, if you ever loved someone then you might know how it feels.", Jiminie said.
Woah the girl surely loves me a lot. Mwah Jiminie you are my world. I love you.
"Oh so just say it you girls are jealous?", I asked with a smirk but I was expecting some blush and 'noo why would we' but I got the answer,
"Yes, we fucking are", okay now what should I have said, they just made me shut up.
"We will be leaving soon, so let him live his life.", Joonie said which kinda made me feel bad, does she still hate me that she didn't even get bothered...
"Okay, fine David do as you want! Like who the fuck are we to interfere in your life.", Jinu said angrily.
"Exactly, just chill David, they all have lost their minds.", Joonie said while laughing.
Okay, that's it, how can she be still like this when I'm trying so hard for all of them? Joonie I will make you mine for sure.
"You all want me to break up with Liraya right, I will do it.", I said and all of them got shocked.
"What, no need to David...", Joonie was saying but I called Liraya and said,
"Hello, Liraya?".
"Oh Love what happened?", she said.
"I want to talk about something."
"Can we just take a break?"
"Wait what do u mean?"
"What I mean is I want a break, my life is going a lot exhausting, work, family, u, friends. I am lost in all of you so much that I have no time for myself, for my desire, for my happiness."
"But aren't we your happiness?"
"Yes you all are but try to understand I have to give time to all of you equally and in this, I have completely lost myself. I don't know who I am....", I was saying but then I heard a voice from the other side.
"Baby who is it....", this boiled my blood.
"Liraya is someone with you?", I asked.
"N-No David no one is here...Shhhh...", she said.
"Liraya are you cheating on me?", I asked angrily.
"W-What N-no..."
"D-David slow down!", Jiminie said.
"David, please......DAVIDDDDD...", Hobi screamed as we were just about to hit a car but right in time I applied brakes. Due to the sudden stop, Hobi lost her balance and her head struck the dashboard of the car.
"Oh my God, Hobi I'm sorry, i-i really didn't mean uggghhhh fuck me. Why am I like this.", I said and tried to check her but she stopped me and said,
"It's okay, please drive home.", ughhhhh fuck me why the hell do I do such stuff.

During the whole journey, the car was silent. As soon as we reached home, Hobi got off the car and quickly ran upstairs.
"Girls are you all alright?", I asked as they came out of the car one by one.
"David we are okay, go up to Hobi. She got hit very badly.", Jiminie said while holding her arm.
"Ahh okie but you all sit inside I'll bring the stuff out later okay.", I said and they all nodded. I quickly ran upstairs.
I went to Hobi's room but it was locked, ugghh why do these girls lock their rooms?
"Hobi open the door dear.", I said but she said no and from her tone, I figured that she was crying. Fuck what have I done?
"Brexton unlock the door.", I said and went inside and saw Hobi standing near the dressing table cleaning the blood from the wound that I caused her on her forehead.
I quickly went to her and hugged her.
"Leave me.", she said hard getting out of my grip but I held her tight and said,
"No, I won't, if you want to hit me do it, u wanna beat me do it. But I will not leave you.", I said as she was still in my embrace. After trying hard to get rid of me she gave up and hugged me back. I pulled her back and held her chin and saw the wound.
"Aish I'm so sorry Hobi.", I said. I made her sit on the bed and took out the first aid box from the drawer.
I sat on my knees and started putting medicine on it.
"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have said you to choose between us or her.", she said as she looked down.
"Look at me...", I said and then continued, "... I'm glad u did becoz u saved me from that cheater woman."
"But this was just a coincidence what if she wasn't a cheater and someone else, who would be loyal to you?"
"Even then I had chosen you. I know I have done many mistakes while being Y/n, let me fix those by being David. I know you hate me but I promise I never did this on purpose to cause you any pain I can....", I was saying but Hobi quickly pulled me from my collar and kissed me. I was so shocked.
"Don't move!', she said in between the kiss and kissed me even more profoundly. I also closed my eyes and kissed her. Ahhh I never knew her lips could be a totally new experience. After our long kiss, she moved back. I was breathing heavily but she moved back calmly and then looked at me and said,
"I never got a chance to tell you how I felt for you being Hoseok but by being Hobi I wanna tell you I really love you.", wait did my ears hear what they were supposed to or is this a delusion?
Hobi's hand was still on my neck and she was looking directly into my eyes, I swear I never felt this much shy and safe in anyone's presence the way I am feeling right now.
"You loved me?", I asked.
"Yes, in the third year, I fell hard for you becoz of your cuteness and innocence. I wanted to confess but didn't have the guts becoz I had always been rejected by the ones I loved the most. Those projects that we did together made me love you even more. I wanted to be with you but the loathing that Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon had for you made me stop each time. I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to confess to you, but now that I did I want to tell you I want to be with you. I feel safe and comfortable when I'm with you, don't leave me..", she said and kissed me again. Oh, boy what is happening to me?

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