Friendship Over Love!

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I came out and sat on the sofa.
"Guys we are kinda lucky that we ended up here.", Jinu said.
"I know right, I experienced this kind of love for the first time.", Sugi said.
"David is an extra charming and caring guy.", Hobi said.
"But the fact that we can't stay with him forever makes me sad.", Kookie cried.
"Awww my lovely Kookie, as long as we are here let's just enjoy this moment.", Joonie said while pulling her into a hug.
"Yaah Tannie why are you so quiet?", Jinu asked.
"No, nothing.", i said and focused on the television.

After 20 minutes David called us in the dining room.
"Girls come on the food is ready.", he said and we all went inside the dining room.
We all took seats.
"Hmm so tell me how is it.", he asked and we all took the first bite. As usual, it was awesome but I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.
"Omg it's awesome.", they all yelled one by one.

"Tannie what happened didn't u like it?", David asked me.
"No, it's not that. I'm actually not in a mood.", i said and left the place.

David's POV:

"Woah what happened to her?", Jinu said.
"She never says no to food.", Kookie said.
"Lemme go and check.", Jimine said but I stopped her and went by myself.

I went into her room and saw her staring out from the window.
"Tannie what happened?', I asked as I approached her.
"Nothing, Can u please leave? I want to be alone.", she said as if she got uncomfortable in my presence. I know when girls say leave they actually mean stay and when they say stay they actually mean leave until and unless they actually mean leave or stay. I know this is kind of complicated so just forget about it and focus on the story.
"No I'm not leaving.", I said as I went towards her.
"Please, maintain your distance.", she said strictly which kinda hurt me.
"Uh I'm sorry.", I said as I got embarrassed.
"If you didn't like the food, I will order something else for you.", I said but she yelled at me,
Wait, what's with Jiminie now?
"What do you mean?', I asked.
"David please don't boil my blood. Fine, you don't wanna go then I will leave.", she said and was about to leave when I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her closer to me.
"You can't talk to me like this!", I said as there was a very small distance between us.
"No, because you are causing pain to my heart.", I said and she went silent.
"Just send me back asap I can't live with you, I don't wanna see your face.", she said to which I loosened my grip on her and left her.
I didn't say a word and left the house.

"She hates me that much. WHO THE FUCK WAS I EVEN KIDDING TO?", I yelled as I drove my car away from my house.

Kookie's POV:

We all rushed to Tannie's room because David left angrily without even eating something.
When we reached her room we saw her crying on the floor while hugging herself tight. I quickly ran towards her and hugged her.
"Tannie what happened, why are you crying?", I said as I pulled her in my embrace.
"Jungkook I want to go from here, I don't wanna live here anymore.", she said as she called me by my boy's name.
"Aish Taehyung Y/n said we will leave this place soon. Just believe him.", Jinu said.
"I don't know, please Everyone leave.", Tannie said and I signaled everyone to go right now. Only Jiminie and I were left with her.
We both sat on either side and Jiminie said.
"Did you fight him?"
"Kookie tell her to leave, I don't wanna see her face.", Tannie said angrily while sobbing.
"What have I done?", Jiminie asked worriedly.
"Tannie please share everything with us. You know we both can't see u like this.", I said to which she sat straight and said,
"Fine, you both wanna hear nah, then listen. I love David. When I was Taehyung I was madly in love with Y/n. But I knew u both also liked her. I never said anything coz I didn't want a girl to ruin our friendship but now I'm a girl. It sounds stupid but I have turned selfish. David is always lingering around u 2. It hurts my heart. I can't share him with anyone. When she was Y/n Jimin used to hang around her and now when he is David she isn't leaving his side....", she was saying which kind of caused pain in my heart. I never knew she felt this, then as she continued she broke into tears, "...I know I'm acting like a jerk, I'm fighting my besties for a boy but I can't take it anymore. Please try to understand!", she said and we both hugged her as we both were also in tears.
"I'm sorry, I never knew u liked him this much. I promise you won't be seeing him next to me now.", Jiminie said and with tears left the room.
"Ah fuck me, I just broke her heart.", Tannie said and cried even more.
"Shhh Tannie, don't worry I will go and talk to her. And don't worry, none of us will get close to David anymore.", i said and was about to leave when she said,
"Please forgive me.", I hugged her and came out of the room.

"Kookie what happened?", Hobi asked.
"Yes, why Jiminie, went to her room while crying?", Sugi inquired.
I told them everything and they all were shocked.
"What!", they all said together.
"Yes now if u all excuse me I better go to Jiminie now. She needs me.", I said and went to her room.
When I entered my heart ached as she rolled herself into the blanket and was crying while controlling herself.
I sat beside her and she said,
"It's not in my control as well Kookie, I love him a lot.", she said as she sobbed.
I laid down and hugged her from back.
"I know Jiminie because I also feel the same toward him.", I said.
"Then tell me is it possible for you to leave him and act like nothing happened?"
"No, it's not but for Tannie, we have to do it."
"No Jungkook, already I lost her as Y/n, it's not in my control now to lose her as David as well."
"Jimin I can understand because I have gone through the same pain as you but just for a boy how can we ruin our 10-year-old friendship?"
"But what if that boy means the whole world to you?"
"It's not easy, and I know as I'm the youngest I don't know anything about this big stuff the way u all know but one thing I know for sure is that we can't let our friendship be ruined like this. We had our chances Jimin but u will agree that we both fucked up. This is Taehyung's chance we can't steal it from him.", I said and Jiminie sat up.
"It will be really difficult.", she said as she wiped her tears. I side-hugged her as I put my head on her shoulder and said,
"But we have to do it for him, for our friendship Jimin.". She hugged me back.

David's POV:

"I want this asap Auntie Ezabella!", I said as I sat in front of her.
"David, I'm not as strong as Enthabella, I will try my best but it will take time. Coming to a place where u belong from a place where you didn't belong is easy. But coming from a place where you belonged to the one where you didn't and then returning back is impossible. I am trying my best. I am in contact with Enthabella as well but things will take time.", she said.
"How long approximately?"
"I am trying that this should be done within this year but..."
"WHAT A WHOLE DAMN YEAR! NO! Do it ASAP, It's only been 3 to 4 days to them and things have started to get out of control. Do it in this one week.", I said.
"1 week is impossible, for that you have to...", she was saying but then quickly shut her mouth.
"What? I will do anything to send them back.", i said.
"David wait patiently I will do it asap."
"No what were you saying, Is there some other way, then tell me."
"There is."
"But that's kinda dangerous for you."
"I don't give a fuck, nothing is more important to me than those 7 girls."
"U have to sacrifice ur life for them."

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