First Attack!

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"What happened why are you all crying?", I asked as I went to them.
"You fought with your friends becoz of us and....", Tannie said as she was sobbing.
"No no, don't worry we will get alright really soon. Such things go among us.", I said as I cupped her face.
"You even got hurt.", Jimine said while crying.
"Haha im alright, see.", I said as I moved back and widened my arms to show them that I was fine but they all quickly came and hugged me.
"David you really are the best.", Jinu sobbed while speaking.
Awww my little angels. I pecked their foreheads one by one and wiped their tears.
"My angels no one can dare to touch you as long as you are with me.", I said and they all hugged me tighter.
"I....cant.....breath!", I said and they quickly moved back. I laughed and we sat on the sofas. Sugi went to bring the first aid box where as Joonie went in kitchen to bring water for me.
After they both came the girls started putting medication. Now this makes me feels like a king. Hehe.
"Why are you smiling?", Kookie asked as she still had tears in her eyes.
"Well becoz I am loving this treatment my Queens are giving me!", I said and she hit me on my shoulder.
"Owww!", I hissed in pain and she laughed.
"Now that's how I want you all to be. Always smiling. Let the part of pain come to me and you guys just stay happy.", I said and once again they all smiled and then hugged me.

We all sat together and talked alot.

After 2 Days:

Jiminie's POV:

I was in my room ironing my clothes. Joonie, Hobi, Sugi and Jinu went out with David to buy groceries. Where as the three of us decided to stay home. I wasn't in mood today and Kookie didn't go becoz she got her periods today. And my God she became so emotional today. David asked Tannie and me to take care of her, and he also promised Kookie that he will bring alot of snacks for her. Tannie was in kitchen making some purple tea for Kookie where as I was ironing clothes. As I hanged my last dress in cupboard I heard a scream from Kookie's room. I quickly rushed to her room where as Tannie also came running. Kookie's room was locked and from inside came voices of screams.
"KOOKIE OPEN THE DOOR, WHAT IS HAPPENING?", I yelled from outside.
"Save me from this thing!", Kookie cried.
"OMG WHAT IS HAPPENEING INSIDE?", Tannie shouted as she was really scared.
"Tannie quickly go and call David from the phone he gave you.", I said to Tannie and she ran downstairs. Meanwhile I tried to push the door. Successfully I did somehow and the scene that I saw next shattered me into million pieces.
There was something above Kookie that was trying to kill her. I quickly held the vase and threw it at that thing. The vase hit it and it screamed really loud.

Kookie quickly stood up and was about to run when the thing caught her and held her in air

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Kookie quickly stood up and was about to run when the thing caught her and held her in air. I jumped over it and pulled its hair. It screamed and released Kookie who was trembling in fear. The thing caught me and threw me on the bed.
"Help, help. TANNIE KOOKIE DAVIDDDDD SOMEBODY HELP!", I started screaming. The thing opened its mouth and brought it closer to my neck but just in time I heard a voice of something getting shot.
"GET UR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY SOULMATEEEEEE?", it was Tannie who had David's gun in her hand that she used to shot the creature. The creature's left hand broke becoz of it and it fell on the ground. I quickly stood up and went to Kookie who was shivering.
"Kookie are you alright?", I asked but soon she fainted in my arms.
The creature yelled again and stood up to attack Tannie but she took another shot and this time it targeted the creature's head. Plop came the sound and the head was on the floor near my leg. The body fell on the ground but the head was still moving so Tannie quickly came and stepped on it until it stopped moving.
"Jimine Kookie", Tannie yelled and sat near us.
"Where the hell is David?", I asked
"I called him and he said he is on his way back.", she said. We both picked up Kookie and placed her on the bed. Tannie threw the head out from the window and locked it and I pushed the body out of the room and locked the door.
We both then sat beside Kookie who was still shivering.
"What was that Jiminie?", Tannie said as she grabbed my hand becoz I know she was also scared as hell.
"I don't know Tannie but becoz of you we both are alive today.", I said as I held her hands back. All of a sudden Tannie started crying. I quickly pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly.
"Don't worry Tannie, it's gone now!"
"I wanna go back Jiminie. This world is creepy.", she said but then we heard something. We both got scared even more. As if something was knocking continuously. We looked here and there but nothing to be found when suddenly our eyes landed on the window and we saw something that stole our breath.

 We looked here and there but nothing to be found when suddenly our eyes landed on the window and we saw something that stole our breath

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", we both screamed. That thing started to bang loudly.
"David...", we screamed. We were crying, sobbing, screaming and God knows what else. Kookie was still unconscious where as Tannie and I were tightly hugging each other while protecting Kookie as well.
All of a sudden we heard a loud bang on the door.
"David help us.", we screamed.
David and the girls quickly entered the room and as soon as they did their eyes were widened by seeing what was behind the window.
"HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING AHHHHHHHH.", Jinu yelled. Whereas Sugi and Joonie quickly came to us and hugged both me and Tannie. Hobi quickly went to Kookie and embraced her.
"My God they found you guys.", David screamed and quickly picked the gun and left the room. Soon we heard sounds of shooting.
After 10 minutes David came in the room and directly ran to us.
"Are you both alright?", he asked but Tannie fainted in his arms.
"TANNIE!", he yelled.

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