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We all reached home and the girls went to their rooms. Okie I might sound like a pervert right now but I will go to their rooms one by one and give them a good night hug and kiss. I will miss them when they will have been gone so I want to spend as much time as possible with them.

After changing my outfit I went to Jinu's room first.

"May I come in?', I asked as i peeked inside the room.
I saw her sitting on the bed applying some moisturizer.

As soon as she saw me she ran towards me and hugged me.
"Ahhhh finally i can be alone with you for some time.", she said as she held me tightly.
"Hahaha, what am i seeing; such a big change in you.", i said as i hugged her back.
She looked up and made a cute pout,
"Ahh fine, i know i was a jerk back on Earth to you but cant you forgive me now.", she said so adorably that i couldnt resist myself to kiss her.
"Are you aware that you are the most gorgeous girl in the entire galaxy because whenever I look into your eyes, I feel as though I am viewing the undiscovered secrets and wonders of universes that have been kept hidden from human sight, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to view them."
"Really.", Jinu asked innocently as her beautiful eyes just formed into two giant clusters of stars in which i could feel myself getting lost.
"I feel in love with everything when you look at me with those alluring eyes of yours because when I get lost in them, everything around me looks more lovely and colourful.", i said and she blushed hard.
"I never really believed in the concept of love at first sight, but the day I met you, I had a slight pang of emotion in both my heart and stomach. My life was becoming more elegant and brighter. I was so struck by your initial impression on me that I immediately realised you were the person I had been looking for, for a very long time.", she said which suddenly made me feel so special.
I didnt waste any other second and brushed my lips against her soft rose-petal-like ones.
She moved her hands through my hair making me dissolve in her more. I had never felt the joy and feelings that swept through me before, and I had never shared them with anybody else. It was a blissful moment that I never wanted to end, much like that dream that was so lovely that I never wanted to wake up from it. I don't ever want this to stop, even if it's not reality.

We both broke the kiss as we were out of breath now. Jinu hugged me tightly and rested her head on my chest declaring,
"I love you David, I will always cherish you and never want to leave you. Even if I have to leave everything behind, I'm willing to walk beside you on this new journey.".
I closed my eyes and just stayed like that. Her comments not only comforted me but also caused my heart to break since she won't be here much longer to walk beside me on this path, to hold my hand and ease my anxiety, to make me feel unique, and to reassure me that she would always love me.
I broke the hug and with a heavy heart said,
"Jinu i better be going now. Others might be waiting for me.", i said which erased that gorgeous smile which was conquering her lips and replaced it with a sad, dull face.
She hugged me again and said,
"Why cant you only be mine?"
"I'm sorry love, but maybe this is the fate."
"Then i want to change it."
"You cant, becoz destiny is something you can influence and create a new chapter with your pen. While fate is something you cannot escape, regardless of how many turns you make, it will bring you to the road you are supposed to be on.", i said and her grip on me tightened. I gave a small peck on her cheek and moved her chin up to face me,
"But even if things are not meant to go our way we should still live the moment before its too late that they become only a part of someone's memory." and landed another kiss on her.
I made her comfortable on the bed and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. Glancing one last time at her.

I came out of my room and i never realized i had tears in my eyes.
"This will be harder than i thought.", i said while wiping my tears and heading towards Hobi's room.

As i went inside Hobi's room i saw her combing her hair. I tiptoed towards her and hugged her from behind.
"Ah David when did you come in?", she smiled giving me her famous sunshine smile.
"Why you have to be so cute.", i said and kissed her left cheek. She giggled and said,
"Why you have to be so caring and loving?", and i hugged her tighter. Then all of a sudden she went silent.
I moved my head forward and asked, "What happened to my love, why u turned mute?"
"Will this have to end?", she replied with another question.
"Wha-what do you mean?"
"David i love you, i dont want to leave you. Cant i stay here forever?"
I turned her towards me and held her shoulders saying,
"Hobi i wish you could but it isnt possible. Right now things havent been the way they ought to be but soon things will go out of control and i want to send you guys before things start to worsen up."
"What do you mean?"
"Just forget about it, and let me hug you.", i said and wrapped her inside me. She hugged me aswell.
"David.", she said while resting her head on my chest.
"Yes my love."
"I'm not sure how to put it, but you are the finest thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not sure what to say since being with you seems like something else, something I want to get lost in forever. I like everything about you, from your hugs to your scent. What spell have you casted on me that makes it impossible for me to unlove you?", her words were so sweet that it brought tears in my eyes. How will i be able to live without her, without them when they will be gone.
"I wish i could keep you in my arms forever.", i said and she looked at me. Without wasting an second our lips united. Those soft, cotton candy like lips, that are sweeter than honey and velvety than velvet, i felt myself lost between those lips. I pulled her closer and our bodies were pressing against eachother as if they were ready to dissolve in eachother. I was so lost that i didnt get the idea of time.
I had to break the kiss although i never wanted to.
"Hobi you should get in the bed now. I have to go to others aswell.", i said and she hugged me tighter saying,
"Please be mine, dont go to them. I know i am sounding selfish but be mine only. I dont want to share you with anyone."
"My love if you ask me for my life i will give it to you right now right away but this cant be possible. Our ways will be separate at the end, i cant be yours forever."
"Please dont say that, you have no idea how painful it is."
"I know but nothing is in my hands.", i said and kissed her forehead. I placed her in bed and gave her one small peck on lips and then came out.
Only i know how badly i was controlling those tears inside me. Next was Sugi.

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