Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Surprised

Georgie's POV

Aiden and i have been dating for about 6 weeks now and still i'm having doubts about us. I mean yes i like him, like really like him. I can see myself with him but i'm scared. I want to be a strong girl for him, someone who deserves someone like him. He's been such a gentleman and he's really funny. I remembered our second date. I didn't really know where to take him because we've only had one date before and there i was saying thing without thinking and i just had to say that i was planning our next date. So, i just had him join me in the gym. It was fun because we got to motivate one another. I never had a great time at the gym with anyone but Aiden and that's saying a lot since i'm always here with Casey and Mia. Ever since then, we went to the gym together. Both Mia and Casey understood that we liked to bond together while working out.

"Hey love" Aiden wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we were walking down the hall. I saw Casey with some guy that i think was her partner in accounting. She waved and winked at me and i did the same before Aiden waved before directing me to the car park which led to his car.

"Aiden are you going to Liam's party?"

"Of course love, aren't you?" Aiden fixed my seatbelt before starting the car

"Well, yeah i will but i'm not that good with crowds just close friends"

"I'm right there by your side love and so will your friends and Connor" Aiden smirked

Well there's no surprise if they'll be there. It was Liam's birthday and Mia decided to throw him a party but it was really for her benefit since i know she will be scouting the perimeter to find someone that'll distract her from her broken heart. I don't really blame her for looking for someone new. And, of course Connor's there or else no party for me.

"Pick me up at 19:00 or i'll meet you there?"

"You know i'll pick you up" Aiden smiled

"Aiden, you've been driving me to places for weeks. Can i please drive you this time. Please!!!" He always drives me around. It's not that it's a bad thing but i know he gets tired.

"We've talked about this. Besides i like driving you around, it gives me an excuse to be with you more often" He turns to look at me and winks at me

"How about a deal, whenever you have practices or games, i'm driving and when you don't have them, you're driving" I've been trying to compromise for weeks but he never gave in but that doesn't stop me from driving.

"Georgina, i told you no" Aiden groaned, clearly he was annoyed by this talk

"And i'm not taking no for an answer" i smiled as sweetly as i could

"You're not giving up are you?" Aiden


"Fine but only when i have practices or games" Aiden

"Thank you love!" I hugged him even though he was driving. Which was hard but lucky there was a red light so we had to stop. He hugged me back and we stayed like that until it was time to go. Aiden dropped me off at my house and went straight to his house to rest before the party tonight.

At exactly 17:30 i started to get ready because i was awful at picking which dress to wear at these events. I took one long bath to relax myself before slipping into my robe and looking for something to wear. I opened my closet and got out 4 dresses to pick from. After 2 dresses, I gave up and just wore the 3rd one because i was running out of time to prepare and i still have to fix my hair and apply a little bit of make up.

Exactly 19:00 my phone started ringing and i knew Aiden was there already waiting. I said my goodbyes to my parents and they told me to not stay to late meaning until 2:00am max. I hopped in Aiden's car and kissed his cheek before we went to Liam and Mia's house. They party was just starting and i could already see a lot of people from school by the front yard. Aiden park inside the garage which was weird that he had access there.

Going inside, Aiden had his arm around my waist and he was leading me inside. Some people greeted him, mostly guys and just smiled at me. I saw Casey by the stairs and told Aiden that i was just going to talk to Casey for awhile and he let me.

"Looking smoking girl" Casey pulled me to her before i was dragged away by some guys who were cheering for a reason i don't wanna know.

"Like you're not. Love the shoes too" I smiled at her black and white pumps. She was totally rocking it.

"Hey Eli! I want you to meet Georgie. Georgie, Eli" Casey introduced me to Eli. When i looked at him more closely, i realized he was the guy with Casey just awhile back when me and Aiden passed by.

"Nice to meet you Eli" I smiled

"Pleasure's all mine" Eli smiled back

"And I'm Aiden dude" I turned to see Aiden and shook Eli's hand before draping his arm on my waist.

"Eli. Anyway, Casey let's go" Eli grabbed Casey's hand but before they could leave Casey grabbed my shoulder before whispering in my ear "Tell you and Mia later okay?"

I laughed and nodded at her before she left with Eli tugging her along.

"So Eli is Casey's new boyfriend?" Aiden asked before he held my hand in his and we moved to the lounge.

"Not sure but i guess"

"Hmm" he hummed nonchalantly and sat down. He patted the sit beside him so i sat there.

"Didn't expect you'd intrude when Casey introduced Eli to me" I smirked at him

"Hey, gotta make my move so no guy makes a move on you. I didn't know he was into Casey" He held his hands up in defense

"Possessive aren't we?"

"Kinda so better beware" he chuckled before draping his arm over the couch

"I think it's kinda cute" I smiled before leaning towards him

We sat there for awhile. After a few minutes we stood up and joined the party. Aiden was dancing with me which was actually fun. I thought he was really good dancer. We were in our own little party before Mia basically jumped on me and dragged me upstairs. I sent Aiden a small smile and mouthed 'wait' and he just smiled and winked.

When we arrived i saw that Mia's closet was a mess. Everything was either on the floor or on top of her bed.

"Whoa Mia. What's going on?"

"I met someone yesterday at school, he's a transfer student from Seattle and i invited him here and he just texted me that he's here already but i hate what i'm wearing and you need to help me please Georgie" Mia said so fast that i only got a few words from her but i understood she needed help. I looked around her room and spotted a teal fitted dress that we bought last month and she hasn't worn it yet and i knew instantly that it was perfect. I had her try it on and when she came it out. She was all smiles.

"Perfect! Now let's go" I held her hand as we were climbing down the stairs. I told her about Eli and Casey along with Aiden's intrusion and we were just laughing and imagining things between Eli and Casey.

When we finally reached the bottom, I saw one of the most unpleasant sights ever. A girl hugging Aiden close to her and kissing him! But what caused me to tear up was the fact there were people cheering them.

"You're not just gonna stand there right? Your guy is being kissed by some bitch. Go to them and show them who's boss. I'm right behind you" Mia hugged me and we moved forward.

When we were in front of them the cheering died down and Aiden turned around surprised to see me and Mia. His face was on full panic mode but i'll deal with him later. I grabbed his arm, stepped in front of him, in front of this girl and said the words i never thought i would say.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND" I said firmly yet calmly.

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