Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Claim

"STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND" I said it as firmly and calmly as i could and i could hear Mia gasping. Seems like i wasn't the only one surprised by my actions.

"He's not your boyfriend yet little girl" Whoever this girl is, is like a queen bee or something. She stands with authority and confidence, something that i've been working on.

"Yes i am" Aiden took hold of my waist and pulled me closer to him. I tried my best not to glare at him because i'm really pissed at him too.

"Oh come on Aiden. We all know that little miss Georgina here is not making things official between you two" Queen bee said. What is her name anyway. I never saw her at school

"Maris can you just back off, you're drunk. Besides we're together now" Aiden

"Don't act like you didn't like it" Maris said while trying to lure Aiden. She looked kinda desperate to me

"Obviously he didn't because if he did then he wouldn't be by my side right now" I don't know where that came from but i liked it. I was sounding like the old me. The one that didn't let anything stop her, alone or in front of crowds.

"Shut up okay? The only reason he is remotely interested in pursuing you is because you're related to Connor Anderson" Maris

"Stop it already. You're attracting a crowd" Aiden tightened his arm around me and i grabbed onto his hand. I looked around us and noticed the people looking to see what the commotion was about.

"Why, are you ashamed that i kissed you and Miss Georgina Anderson comes in and takes claim on you when in fact she doesn't have any right?" She a mark right there. I didn't really have a claim on Aiden. We weren't officially together. I surprised myself by my impulsive action and i didn't know how to defend myself right now.

"Who invited you here?" Mia went to my other side. I was grateful for her help because i didn't know how to handle it anymore. I can feel people staring at me, judging me, some look at me with pity while some were already gossiping. I didn't need to hear what Mia and Maris were arguing about, i just need to get out of there.

I ran as fast as i could out of the house. I bumped into some people while mumbling my sorry. I wasn't crying but i felt so devastated. I thought that maybe my intrusion was wrong. Maybe i should've just ran off or pushed it aside instead of going there and claiming Aiden to be mine. I saw Connor just by the door with a girl.

"Connor!" I grabbed his arm as soon as i was in reach of him.

"Hey Georgie, what's up?" Connor

"Take me home. Now."

"What happened? Isn't Aiden bringing you home?" Connor was looking at me directly in the eye. It was good to say that i didn't cry then Connor would have no reason to start a fit.

"Georgie wait!" Both Connor and i turned to see Aiden with Mia making their way towards us. Aiden grabbed my arm when he could but i took it off.

"What happened?" Connor now looked at Aiden but Aiden was only focusing on me.

"We have to talk. Come on please" Aiden held both my hands in his and was trying to catch my eyes but i wasn't going to look at him. I didn't want to.

"Georgie, talk to him" Mia

"I just.. I wanna go home" I didn't look at the two and just kept my eyes on Connor.

Connor sighed before saying "let Aiden take you home"

"Connor..." I was really hoping he wouldn't do this to me. Where was my protective cousin? I need him now!

"You wanted freedom, I'm giving it to you. I want you to start dealing with things on your own and if things get hard, i'm just a call away. I know you can face whatever this is" Connor hugged me tight and i couldn't help but tightly hold onto him

"Come on love please" Aiden said once Connor and Mia left. We went to the garage but neither of us is talking.

He opened my door and shut it as soon as i was in. He started driving but still none of us dared to make any sound.

I feel so confused. I did have some claim right? He was dating me that means we're exclusive even if we didn't label each other yet. But that Marisa girl did have a point, was i holding Adien back by not making things official between us? Was it wrong that i just spilled that we were together when we never really talked about it?

"We're here" I looked outside and we were in front of my house. I looked back at Aiden and he was feeling awkward. But why? Was it because of what i saw or that he was guilty about it. I trust Adien but i doubt myself if i'm good enough for someone like him.

"Thanks for the ride" I take my seatbelt off and as i was about to get out Aiden spoke softly.

"Can we talk about this?" Aiden was keeping a safe distance from me which i appreciated a lot.

"What's there to talk about Aiden?" I looked at him blankly. I honestly didn't know how to act in this situation we were right now.

"About Marisa, she's drunk when she kissed me and believe me i never wanted things to get complicated between us. You know how much i like you and i won't jeopardize it with one stupid kiss from a drunk girl" Aiden

"I know you didn't initiate it Aiden. I trust you so much and that scares me. I believe you and i want to forget everything that happened tonight but i doubt myself if i can actually face something like this" I started playing with my fingers.

"Hey. I'm right here to work through everything with you. We can take it one step at a time love" Aiden showed a small smile

"I know you're always there Aiden"

"Tell me, have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Aiden

Should i tell him now? No. Maybe i could have Connor say it or Mia and Casey. I didn't want to see his reaction when he hears it from me. I don't want the pity from him.

"I-I have to go Aiden" I opened the door and left him there. I can hear him calling after me but i pretended not to hear it and just continued running towards the house. I ran up to my room changed into pajamas and collapsed on the bed. After an hour of tossing and turning in my bed i fell asleep.

*ring* *ring*

I groaned while trying to reach for my phone. I picked it up without looking who the caller was.

"Hello?" I said sleepily and with my eyes closed

"Georgie!!! Have you been sleeping already? Where's Aiden? Did you guys talk already" I knew from the voice itself that it was Mia

"Mia, stop shouting. I was having a perfectly good sleep and no i'm not with Aiden, we talked but not much" i turned to the other side of the bed

"Why not? I thought you trusted Aiden" Mia

"I do, it's myself that i'm having doubts with. I told him that i didn't know how to handle situations like that and he had to ask if i had a boyfriend before..." I trailed off knowing Mia got what i was trying to say

"Maybe you should tell him already. He needs to know" Mia

"I can't tell him Mia. I hate receiving those pitiful eyes from people. I can't have that from Aiden when i tell him. C-Can you tell him?"

It probably took her a few minutes before she said anything.

"Okay, I'll fill him in with what happened" Mia sighed

"Thank you Mia"

"But i won't be telling him yet. I want you guys to fix this" Mia

"We will, eventually, i guess"

"You know he'll be picking you up right for school on Monday right?" Mia

"I'll text him beforehand that i'll drive to school"

"You can't avoid him Georgie" Mia

"I-I won't i just want some time alone"

She sighed before agreeing with me and saying her goodnight. I couldn't sleep after that. My mind kept on wandering about what happened recently. Life sure is a roller coaster.


Picture of Mia (Ashley Tisdale) and Georgie (Vanessa Hudgens)

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