Episode 16: Flashback pt. 2

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"No way! Mom had an enemy? So you're telling me they went from haters to lovers?"

"You could say that..." Principal Jina continued with the story.

"Eve what are you doing?" Jina and Lee looked at their friend, who was drawing what appeared to be a sort of plan.

"Can't you tell?"  Without looking up, Eve continue to draw what looked like a banana peel on the ground.

"Oh my god Eve, you are not planning to do the oldest trick in the book." Lee shook his head, disappointed in his friend.

"Well I don't want to do something really elaborate that'll get me in trouble. Plus the banana peel could have been anyones."

"No, no it can't be." Jina and Lee sat on either side of Eve, who sighed in frustration.

"What should I do then? He really embarrassed me and he also showed that his apologies mean nothing!"

"How about this idea. Be the bigger person. Don't let him get to you or else he will continue to bother you."

Eve had no expression, she couldn't believe that her friend would suggest such a...wait a minute, that's a brilliant plan! Jina might be onto something. If I do that then he'll be confused and realize that his actions were stupid and childish! He'll definitely apologize now.

"Thank you Jina for that idea! I think that just might work!" 


The next morning the trio happened to see the man of the hour, who was trying to bother Eve. But she had no reaction to him, even if he called her. She happened to turn around, unnoticed and she saw him look confused.

"Good job Eve, I'm proud of you." Jina said as she wrapped her arm around her friends shoulder.

This might go better than I thought.

Class had started when he came in and took the only available seat; next to Eve. The two looked at each other and rolled eyes, "What are you doing here? I think your class is in the janitor's closet."

"Oh please, as if! Also, I was here first so you can't ask me what I'm doing here when I should be here."

"Eve and Simon. Is there something you two would like to discuss with the class?"

"Yes sir, she shouldn't be here. Her class is -" Eve covered his mouth with her hand and smiled, "No sir there is nothing. I'm sorry for my classmate's interruption." 

Seeing how Eve didn't remove her hand yet, Simon licked it making Eve silently scream. She glared hard at him and scooted her chair further away from him. He smirked knowing he won.

Class continued as normal until they had to work together for a lab assignment. Their professor forced them to scoot their chairs closer together. The two grunted as they mumbled to each other their findings and wrote them down. It continued for a few more lab assignments but halfway through the semester, things changed.

The two met eye-to-eye and realized the other wasn't half bad. They called truce so that they can continue to improve their lab assignments grades.

Then one day it happened...

"Hey Eve." Simon looked at her as she was looking into the microscope. 

"What's up?"

"Do you by chance have a boyfriend?"

Eve scoffed and didn't look up, "Who's asking?"

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