Part 9

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Allison's POV

After they left me and Theo just sat in silence, I was on my bed while he was opposite on Moll's bed.

I'm still in my clothes from yesterday and if I'm not going anywhere I want to change into some comfy pyjamas, but I can't as Theo is literally in the room.

"Theo" I say looking at him

"Yes" he says looking straight at me

"Could you go into my dresser, the first draw and pick out the beige top and the bottoms underneath it for me?"

"Sure, why" he says getting up and going over to my draws

"Cause I want to change out of this, it's uncomfortable and I need something more comfortable to wear" I say

"Also can you put them in the bathroom on the cabinet"

"Umm ok" he says going into the bathroom

"Let me guess. You want me to carry you into the bathroom shut the door as you change and then want me to carry you back to bed" he says standing in the doorway of the bathroom

"What nooo, I don't know what gave you that idea" I say sarcastically

He sighs and picks me up, off the bed and into the bathroom. He shuts the bathroom door so I can change.

After faffing around on the floor trying to get the bottoms on, cause now my balance is worse then before - it's great just great - I get my top on and knock on the door for Theo to carry me back to bed.

After faffing around on the floor trying to get the bottoms on, cause now my balance is worse then before - it's great just great - I get my top on and knock on the door for Theo to carry me back to bed

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This is what your wearing you can choose something different if you don't like.

He opens the door and scoops me off the floor the same way he's been carrying me all day. The Bridal carry.

When walking back to the bed he says " I heard a lot of shuffling in there, has you balance gone completely"

I just nod laugh while he chuckles a little.

He places me on my bed and just stands next to me.

"You do realise you can sit next to me, ignore my brother he can be a pain sometimes but he doesn't mean anything by it. It's his way of well... Protecting me" I say

With that I scoot over in my bed and pat down where I was just sitting. Theo looked nervous but sat down in the bed next to me.

I grab the remote from next to me and turn on the TV.

"Is there anything you want to watch" I say to Theo

"Not really, you can put on what you want" he says to me

"Ok, I'm putting on my favourite movie then" I say grinning.

After going on different apps, I went on Disney plus and found it.

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