Relief (#1)

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Idea from icandream05

We all cheered as Marshall plucked Cali from a tree. She had gotten stuck up there after a passer by accidentally stepped on her tail, and Cali had panicked, and with her 5 braincells, decided that a tree would be a good destination. Unfortunately for us, that meant we had to go save her. Only Marshall was really needed, but we all had to come, just in case things spiraled out of control, as they sometimes would with Marshall.

"Oh, thank you for saving Cali!" I heard Katie say, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was thinking about HER. Her soft, luscious fur, and her electrifying smile were just a few qualities in her that I adored. Of course, I'm talking about Skye. Six years since this has all started and I still hadn't told her a thing. The truth was, we were growing up fast, and my window was closing before she found someone else. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, but the rest of my life was getting shorter each day.

When we arrived back at the lookout, The groans began. We were exhausted and worn down, because there had been SO MANY MISSIONS lately, as if people can't take care of themselves for five seconds, and the mayor can't prevent her stupid chicken from falling into a hole. It was mid day, but nobody was really in the mood to do anything exciting, so we just sat around the TV for most of the day. I fell asleep, not long after we sat down.

It was the middle of the night, when we were woken up by Ryder, through our pup tags. "PAW Patrol, to the lookout!" We were all awake by then, and we let out a collective groan. We slowly made our way to the elevator, and Marshall didn't even bother knocking us all down this time.

As we ascended up the elevator, we dreamed of our warm bean bags, and how nice it would be to not have to go save some knucklehead at three in the morning. We reached the top of the lookout, and instead of leaping to our positions, we slowly dragged our feet across the floor until we got to where we were supposed to go. "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir." I said, halfheartedly.

"Pups," Ryder began. "I know you're all tired, but this is serious. Alex was flying his kite in the dark, don't ask me why, and since it's a really windy night, he got swept up, and he latched on to the top of a utility pole. So, we have to get him down. We're going to take the PAW Patroller and and bring a ladder. When we get to this utility pole, Chase, you will climb up the ladder, and Skye, you will hold it for him, so it doesn't tip over. Everyone else can get some rest."

Cheers exploded from the idiots who could go back to sleep, but Skye and I stayed silent. On his way out, Marshall patted my back. "Sorry bud," He said, grinning. He came up close and whispered in my ear. "But at least you have another chance." I looked at him, bewilderment on my face as he and the others headed back into the elevator. Before the elevator doors closed, he added "Just saying." I felt my face heat up as he disappeared down the elevator, out of sight.

Skye and I headed down the slide, and instead of our respective vehicles waiting for us, it was the PAW Patroller. Once we were inside and ready to go, we set off for our tenth mission in the past forty-eight hours. I sat down next to Skye, desperate for any sort of interaction including some indication that we were on the same page with our plans and hopes for the future ahead of us. "Poor Alex." Skye said, eventually. "I wonder how long he's been up there. Or how long he was up there until someone noticed." I added, which made her wince.

After the short trip, we arrived at the utility pole outside of town hall, where Chickeletta had been lost many times. It didn't take us long to spot Alex, hanging on for dear life. "ALEX" I called out through the wind. "WE'RE GONNA GET YOU DOWN." I heard a faint response, but it was drowned in the howling of the breeze. I propped up the ladder, and Skye took her position, holding the ladder in place.

I started climbing up to Alex slowly, and it was then that I felt the ladder wobbling. My mind went blank, and fear took over. "Skye, please hold it still." I said, trying my best not to sound rude. "I'm trying my best," She responded, in a rather harsh tone. "It's windy." I ignored her, and started to climb further up the ladder. I felt a huge gust of wind, and the ladder wobbled again, and I thought it was going to tip. "SKYE!" I hollered, forgetting about being polite. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT," She yelled back. "MAYBE, IF YOU WEREN'T TOO BUSY YELLING AT ME, YOU WOULD'VE ALREADY GOTTEN ALEX DOWN AND YOU WOULDN'T STILL BE UP THERE." She completely forgot about the ladder she was supposed to be holding, and the ladder lost it's balance as I fell thirty feet into the flowerbed in town hall, Skye's screaming the last thing I hear before passing out.

well this is supposed to be the part where the chapter ends and we start another one, but dis a one shot so lets keep going

I woke up in Katie's pet parlor, on a bed covered in a plastic sheet. I sat up and noticed all the pups gathered in the parlor, surrounding my bed. Upon noticing that I was conscious, I was greeted whole heartedly by the whole squad, except for Skye, who was very reluctant, and I could tell that she had been crying. When the excitement finally died down, and sense of realization and panic rushed over me. "What happened to Alex?" I asked, and Ryder, who had been pretty quiet, spoke up. "Skye contacted me after you fell, and we were able to get him down safely. How did you fall anyway?" I quickly conjured up a fake story. "I slipped on one of the steps accidentally." Skye breathed a sigh of relief. I felt really guilty for yelling at her, and I didn't blame her for the fall.

It was then that Katie walked in with a clipboard, looking all official. "Chase, you've got a pretty bad bruise, but you're very lucky otherwise. You're free to go whenever you want to." Ryder smiled at her, and she didn't look very official anymore. He turned back to me. "We'll meet you back at the lookout. You can stay for as long as you need."

Ryder and the pups left, all except Skye, and tears were in her eyes now. "Chase, I'm so sorry," She squeaked. I hung my head in guilt. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled, and it was me that distracted you, so it was my fault." For a minute there was silence, but not for long, as Skye jumped up on the bed, and we hugged. It felt so damn good. She was completely crying at this point, and it made me cry too. We let the tension between us be relieved in an instant. We pulled back, and I saw my chance.

"Skye, I've got something to say. We've got the rest of our lives ahead of us, and I can't stop thinking of you. Every time you're around I just long for you to feel the same way about me. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I get it if that's not the way you feel, but I just needed to say that and get it off my chest."

She stood there in shock for a second, but quickly regained herself. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth." She whispered. I raised my eyebrows. "So..." I began, but she cut me off by pulling me back into another hug. "I love you too." She confirmed, and my insides went warm and fuzzy. We pulled back, and we shared our first kiss. It was as electrifying as I'd dreamed it would be.

We headed back to the lookout together, and I felt a sense of accomplishment, but most of all, I was overjoyed. I felt Skye nuzzling me. "I love you, Chase" She said. "I love you too, Skye."

And that wraps up my first one shot. Anyone who wants to request something (be specific pls) Go ahead and comment what you want to see happen. Alright PEACE

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