Perfect (#3)

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Request from FritsAlone

Look down. It's new but I like it. Tell me what you think. This will tell you who's perspective I am currently writing in.

 This will tell you who's perspective I am currently writing in

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I sat up in my pup house. I looked to my left, and the clock read 3:19. I really needed some sleep, and I couldn't get any. I was tossing and turning all night thinking about all sorts of things. For one, I was tasked with organizing the dance the next night. Apart from that, I was working for Farmer Yumi, since I was saving up for the new pup pup boogie machine. Tomorrow was also my last day there. So, one more day, and I would be free. The last few weeks had been a nightmare for me, and I was more stressed than I had ever been before. I was losing sleep, and everything was sore. I kept telling myself "just one more day" but the effects of the self encouragement were wearing off.

I took the time I had to think about what song I would play as the finale in the dance. All I had to do was set the playlist going and I could enjoy myself. I was hoping that a special someone would ask me to dance with him. So I needed to pick a really good song that would hopefully make him ask me to dance. It was really the only thing I could look forward to these past few days, and I don't know what I would do if this fails.

Time kept rolling by, and I remained sleepless. It was 5:28 when I finally decided on a song. A song that was perfect. It was going to work, it just had to.

I tried really hard to get some sleep, but I just couldn't. I was dead tired so I thought it would be easier, but I guess not. It was 7:03 when I heard a knock on my door. "Skye?" Chase pulled my pup house door open. "It's time to wa-" Upon noticing the state I was in, he completely changed gears. "Are you okay, Skye? You don't look so good."I stood up, feeling the burning pain in my restless legs. "Yeah, I'm fine." I managed.

Hed led me to my breakfast bowl, and I could barely stand up, let alone walk. Just one more day, and I would be free. I finished my breakfast, and made my way to my helicopter. I hopped in, and I was off.

When I reached farmer Yumi's, her reaction was similar to Chase's, but I confirmed that I was fine, even though I wasn't. "It's your last day today, congratulations." Farmer Yumi said, changing the subject. "Thanks." I replied.

The day dragged on and on, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was just clinging on to the fact that the dance could save my day. I'm not even gonna bore you with the details of my day at work, since it sucked. My shift ended at 4:00 so that meant I could possibly take a nap before the dance started at 8:00.

I got home, and instantly made a dash for my pup house, so nobody would notice me, and ask a favor of me, but unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. Ryder noticed my arrival, and he came up to me. "Skye, could you help me fix my ATV? It's not working, and I don't know why." So much for a good nap. "Sure, Ryder."

We talked as I helped him fix his ATV. "Skye, have you been getting much sleep lately?" He asked, and I was pretty much done lying. "No, I haven't. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, and I don't even know why." He looked up from his ATV to face me. "You've been working way too much lately, Skye. You need a break." I felt dizzy from my fatigue. "I know, but I just want everything to be perfect, especially the dance. I-I want Chase to ask me to dance with him. I even picked out a song ." I told him the song I had picked, and Ryder smiled. "I wouldn't worry about that, but tomorrow, I don't want to see you awake until you've rested up, you hear me?" I nodded. "Yeah, okay."

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