Part 10

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Mattheo's POV

I look around Allie's room for something to do or to read cause my phone died so it's charging.

I walk over to a collection of muggle books that she has and I pick up and I pick up 'The Great Hats by' I wanted to read this during this school year anyway so why not start reading it now. I sit down on Mollys bed and start to read.

'In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since "Whenever you feel like criticising any one" he told me, "just remember that all people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had'

That's the opening lines, I'm starting to think I may enjoy this book even more then I thought I would.

I read on until I get to chapter 3 and then I stop to check the time. It's been around half hour since they left so I continue reading, the opening lines to this chapter is,

'There was music coming from my neighbour's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne like stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach, while two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam.'

I continued reading for about another hour or two before I heard some mumbling from the sleeping girl on the bed beside me, I place the book down keeping a mental note of what page I'm on.

I look over to her and see tears rolling down her face, I get up slowly to make sure I don't wake her up and gradually make my way over to her.

The tears are rolling down her rosey cheeks forming tear stains, I sit on her bed and I can make out what she is saying "please stop, I didn't do it I swear" there's silence before she continues "I promise I would never hurt her, stop please please please...."

The immediate thing that comes to mind is from when Jake told us yesterday about their sister and the negligence and blame she got from their parents.

I take the blanket off her and I slide into the sheets, I laid down next to her and moved her body so she was hugging me.

I put her head on my chest and put my arm around her shoulders, then with my hand I slowly stroked her hair. With my other arm I put it on her waist to make sure she was close to me.

She stopped crying and went back to sleep, I wiped her tears away from her cheeks with my thumbs.

She stopped crying and went back to sleep, I wiped her tears away from her cheeks with my thumbs

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A/N: this is how your holding her just imagine the other arm is holding her waist.

After cuddling her for a while, she slowly starts to wake up.

Allison's POV

I wake up to be in someone's arms, I look up to see Theo looking down at me.

"Why hello there Alli" he says in a soft voice.

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