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As I walk closer to Massimo and the woman I begin to her and her so called "flirting

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As I walk closer to Massimo and the woman I begin to her and her so called "flirting."

Truth be told, If she was ugly I would not give a fucking fuck but she was gorgeous. She bit her plump pink lip and her hair cascaded in her face gracefully.

"Why so serious? I don't see a ring on your finger." She giggles. Massimo makes a hand motion to the bartender wavering for another drink. "Yes. You do." He grits.

The woman's eyes dart to his hand seeing the silver band on his finger. "Oh." Her face falters and then recovers again. " well your wife doesn't have to know.. she isnt here, is she?"

She pushes out her chest in his direction but Massimo could not care less as hes looking at the rim of his glass. "I don't see her." She singsongs playfully.

"Look up." I say. The womans head whips up to me and Massimo turns in my direction. "I don't see much" she says narrowing her eyes. "Excuse me?!" I gasp. She Ignores me as her eyes follow Massimo who is now getting up and walking towards me.

"Dinner is about to start sometime soon." He whispers in my ear and snakes his hand around my waist. "I don't give a shit." I tell him.

"Do not worry about her, I don't care for her." He assures continuing to ignore the girl. "Seriously, I don't give a shit.

"Really thats what you go home to every night? I can do better, I am better." The brunette says. "The fuck is your problem?!" I say pushing Massimo to the side.

" You, Bitch! The bronx is that way, Honey." She cringes pointing her finger in a random direction the bronx does not lead to.

"The what?!" I exclaim taken back to her blatant racist comment."Bitch Ill show you the bronxs!" I say as I shove my purse into Massimo's chest and try to charge towards her.

I end up striking her very quickly.
Her wide eyes become glossy and she lets out the loudest squeal ever stepping back. Massimo stands quickly in between us.

Ive never had such an urge to slap a man.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I ask.

He makes a hand motion out of the distance and suddenly security escorts her out. "You can't do that! My daddy will literally behead everyone in this room!" She squeals as they drag her out.

"Jealous, Mia Bella?" He asks In an amused tone. "No." "Never thought I'd ever see you slap someone over me. It's cute."

"Stop calling me cute, She was so disrespectful I swear to God!" I exclaim. "At least you understand how I felt about that waiter." He says.

"That waiter did NOTHING!" I exclaim. "He knows what he was doing." He says unbothered.

"I was going to beat her ass." I narrow eyed him. "I know." He hums as he pushes me in another direction still holding my purse. "You look hungry, Dinner is about to start, You have an Iron deficiency."

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