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April 20th 2023 - Eleventh

I once over my appearance In the full body mirror one more time knowing Massimo was waiting for me downstairs.

Hair out and full.

Cute little casual black dress, white sneakers, jean jacket and gold hoops.

I take up my cross body purse and exit my bedroom. First stop is Artemis' room he's been playing the Violin crazy all week.

The repetitive music can be heard all throughout the household. It was nice to listen to at first but now he sounds like a broken record.

I walk to his open bedroom door. His room was as always neat and clean with navy coloured walls and hints of silver and burgundy. His instruments litter the floor and his homework takes up all his desk space.

I knock on the black painted door. The sound of the violin stops and his attention turns to me. "We're heading out now, be good." I say.

"Okay, mama." He nods about to begin the violin again. "And take a break from that thing, go get ready for bed or whatever." I demand.

He sighs deeply. "Okay, mama." He says defiantly putting down the instrument. He walks out of the room and into his bathroom with a slump like I had told him he was grounded.

Artemis has always been passionate about his grades but even more about his music. So when he found out he had the second highest grade in orchestra this week, he's been killing himself to be back on top.

Sometimes I have to remind him to eat.

I sigh and close his room door before making my way downstairs. Waiting for me is my very hot husband who is dressed in a white button down and some jeans.

Ive never seen him so casual but I like it.

His eyes are glued to his phone in his right hand as he waits by the door and his left hand carrying a huge bouquet of white roses.

"At this point I need a garden to store all these flowers." I say announcing my presence.

He looks us from his phone and puts it away. He once over my body slowly and shamelessly. "That can be arranged." He said softly.

I roll my eyes. "I still have the ones from Valentines day and my birthday. I don't know where to put these, hun."

He steps closer to me snaking his arms around my waist then grabbing a handful of my ass. "We'll make more room because Im not done giving flowers."

He says before gracing me with a dominant kiss. "Happy Anniversary." He mumbles on my lips. I smile widely. "Happy Anniversary." I coo.


There it is. Eleven years since I made that crazy impulsive decision to ask a man to marry me without thinking of repercussions.

The first year we celebrate it together.

Of course Massimo wanted some fancy dinner, I didn't. So we compromised and didn't have a fancy dinner.

"Are you excited?!" I ask over enthusiastically. The flashing lights of pink, blues and yellows shine on his fair skin. "Ecstatic." He mumbles sarcastically.

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