Chapter 8

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Louis's POV

We walked down the corridor that smelled of medicine and antibiotics. The silence between all of us was completely comfortable.

Penelope seemed caught up in her own thoughts. She didn't even seem to notice, or care, that she was walking with 2/5 of the band One Direction!

Although, I was kind of glad she wasn't fangirling all crazy on us. Liam and I had already had enough of that today.

We reached the receptionist's desk and Liam and I pulled up our hoods and secured our sunglasses.

The paparazzi would be very obnoxious and probably would scare the living daylights out of Penelope.

For some reason, I guess our location hadn't been leaked to the press, because paparazzi we no where to be seen.

We walked out into the parking garage and made out way towards the big, black hummer with our driver in it.

I opened the door for her.

"Ladies, first."

She eased herself on to the seat.

"Very chivalrous of you." She replied a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Was she mad? What had I done?

She just blankly stared a her hands as our driver started up the engine.

"Where to?" He asked.

Penelope looked up. "Oh, I live in apartment building in Downtown Dallas. It's called South Side on Lamar. The address is 1409 Lamar Street." She rushed out the words, sounding a little shocked.

She probably forgot that we were taking her home. I wanted to start up a conversation since the silence was starting to get a little tense.

"So, Penelope, how old are you?" I realized it was probably not very nice to ask that question to a girl, but it was probably too late.

"I'm 22." She replied, her Texan accent contrasting my British one.

"Your Texas accent is really cool." I said trying to make her feel more comfortable.

She brightened up just a little bit.

"You've got a pretty snazzy British accent, yourself." She joked.

I chuckled and winked at her. Her cheeks flushed red.

Why was she blushing?

I suddenly turned my head to the window, the light streaming through it. We must have left the parking garage.

The looming skyscrapers of Downtown Dallas created huge shadows on the street below. All the pedestrians speed walked on the sidewalk, talking into their phones.

Our driver made a left turn and I saw a red brick apartment building, just ahead of us on the road. That must be where she lives.

Who knew she lived so close to a hospital!

The driver pulled to a stop in front of the front door and got out so he could help Penelope.

She nodded her head at me and Liam, awkwardly.

"Um, thanks for the drive home and everything. I owe it to you guys, I probably would have been stuck at the hospital till I could have called my mom!" She finished, out of breath.

"Um, see you later, I guess?" Her voice dropping off in question, that I had been avoiding thinking about.

Liam nodded, a smile on his face. "Yes, I guess we'll see you around."

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