Chapter 11

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Penelope’s POV

The body guard held tightly on my arm as he directed me toward the tent at a rapid pace. My feet felt like slabs of concrete as I tried not to look like an awkward hippo and make a fool of myself.

What was the bodyguard doing with me? Did Louis really want to see me? As walked by the tent, I slowed down a bit, trying to catch Louis’s eye. I don’t know why I cared so much. Wait no. I do know why I care.

It’s freaking Louis Tomlinson! One Direction!


I need to not go all crazy and freak them out, just act normal and pretend that I wasn’t fangirling super hard on the inside. The bodyguard (I should really ask what his name is...) dragged me past the tent and I wondered where we were going.

He slowed down as we rounded the corner, behind the tent, and entered a little pavilion that had a couch and a make-shift dressing room in it.

I sat down on the chair, carefully, not wanting to like break or mess up anything. That would not be good. I mean, the couch didn’t even look like it had been sat on. I sighed and wondered what the hell I was even going to say. Were they going to just walk in and be like “Oh hey there! Nice to see you again!” I sighed.

This whole experience was just freaking nerve wracking! The thing is, I’m usually really calm and collected when it comes to intense and emotional events. Like when I walked in on Blake. I internally cringed at the memory. Then a thought hit me. How long exactly had I been out? What had I missed? The concert! Oh crap, did they have to cancel it?

I had taken Nala, the dog that Blake and I had shared, to my mom’s house. She had always loved her and I didn’t think that I would be able to take care of her.

I would give her back to Blake eventually, he had bought her. I felt myself relaxing into the couch as I got lost in my thoughts. The cool air vents blew my straightened hair around my face, and I tugged at it, feeling the front curl up a bit. Ah, it never stayed straight for long anyways. Suddenly, the door opened and I looked up to see the 10 breathtaking eyes that belonged to One Direction.


Louis’s POV

When Penelope left I had called one of my bodyguards over, Preston, and told him that I wanted her to be fetched. I don’t know why.

I just acted on impulse, not really thinking about the consequences. Preston walked away, somehow knowing who I had meant. The lads and I sat in our chairs and patiently signed more CDs, but inside, I was wondering why I had to be such an idiot. Why did I even call her back?

I’m so impulsively stupid sometimes.

After what felt like hours, Paul, our manager called out and told us it was time for a break. I sighed in relief but immediately remembered that Penelope was waiting for me. What was I going to say? “Oh hey nice to see you again! Hope you’re not to knocked up by the car crash!”

Ah, no. That wasn’t going to happen. I was in some deep shit right now. We made our way back to our dressing room, and I felt my heart racing in my chest. I just realized that none of the other lads except Liam and I knew who Penelope is.

How were they going to react? I hope they don’t make her too uncomfortable. I felt really bad about the crash. In fact, I feel really bad about this whole thing. I pushed open the door and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.


Penelope’s POV

 The loud guffaws of laughter and the deep voices carried through the air. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. It was them, they were standing right in front of me. My face immediately flushed and my scalp prickled with heat.

My heart beat like a hummingbird in my chest.

I noticed Harry first. His looming figure and boomimg laugh intimidated me. I shrunk back into the chair, subconsciously. I wasn’t ready for this, no, I wasn’t ready for this at all. It’s very different to see the boys on Tumblr, smiling at you, then it real life smiling at you. It’s unnerving.

I felt the room go silent. Their curious gazes peered upon me and I blushed deeper than I already was. I was the elephant in the room, the person who didn’t belong, I was foreign to all this. Then there was silence. I think we were all trying to figure out what I was doing here. Louis broke the silence, since he was the one who had summoned me.

“Hey Penelope.” His statement sounding more like a question than anything.

I squared my shoulders and tried to make eye contact with him. I wanted to an adult about all this. Not show my inner fan that was screaming at the top of its lungs inside of me.

“Hey.” I replied, trying to make my voice sounds calm and collected. Calm and collected, calm and collected, calm and collected, calm and collected..... I repeated this over and over in my head, as the boys exchanged glances with each together. Suddenly, I didn’t know what to do with my hands.

Cross my arms, fold them in my lap, fix my hair, sit on them? Cross my legs, cross my ankles, sit on my knees? This is more complicated then I thought. Louis was the first on to speak again. “Well we just wanted to make sure you were doing fine after the.. you know..” He trailed off, glancing at Liam. Understanding dawned in the rest of the guy’s eyes.

Liam spoke up. “Yes, you seem to be doing just fine.” He looked at me. Was that a compliment..? My neck and face heated up again. Oh god, I probably looked like a tomato. Was I really sweating? This is stupid. I decided I was going to take control of this situation. I willed my cheeks to drain of the redness that had previously flushed them. I sat up straighter and looked at each of the boys straight in the eyes.  

"I'm doing really well, thanks." I was actually proud of myself for not stuttering. 

I took a deep breath and built up the courage to ask them a question. "Um, did I make you cancel your concert because of the crash, or something?" I accidently added the "or something" to the end of my question, which I metally slapped myself in the face for. It made me sound really dumb. 

"Oh yeah, and how long was I in the hospital? Because I don't really know, nobody told me, and it could be like September because I had been in a coma for 3 months and not even realized it and--"  I stopped myself, realizing how stupid I sounded. 

Of course I hadn't been in a coma! It wasn't September, the doctor would have told me and it would have been a much bigger deal. 

The guys busted out in laughter, probably at my stupidity. Or my face. 

My eyes suddenly met with Louis's. His gaze was so intense, it made my heart shudder. 

I don't really know what my feelings were for him, but whatever they were I couldn't deny the chemical reaction there.

The question was:

Would it be a negative or positive reaction? 

Would it have a reaction at all? 

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