Chapter 6

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Hi! I know this update is a little late and im sorry:( :( :(

I just couldn't find a time to fit writing this in my busy, busy schedule..... Ya....

Not true:(

But here it is.....


Penelope's POV

I sat in my hospital bed, blankly staring at the wall. It had been 10 minutes since Louis had came in.

Where was he?

I was starting to think I had come on too strong or something. Maybe he sensed my inner fangirling. I had literally started to scream inside.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the door loudly opening. I saw Dr. Johnson walk in by himself, and my heart sank.

"I have brought you some medications that will help with the headaches. With the damage that was done, I expect the pains to be gone in 2 weeks, at the most." He said in a very business-like tone.

I clutched my head, his voice sending vibrations of pain through my head.

He set the bottle of pills down on my nightstand.

"Thanks." I managed to mutter, barely loud enough for him to hear.

He briskly nodded and left without another word. He probably has other people to deal with that are more important than me *sigh*

I reached over to the nightstand and read the label. I decided that 2 pills would be good. I swallowed them and laid my head back on the hospital bed, glad to have some quiet.

A was slowly drifting off into sleep, when the door (which is extremely creaky) opened loudly again, sending only soft pains through my head.

The pills must be working then.

I looked up and saw the face of Liam Payne. I involuntarily gasped and stared at him, shocked.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep, but the doctor said that you are ready to leave, and I didn't want you to have to spend more time in the hospital than you absolutely had to." He said, slightly embarrassed by my gasping.

I was trying to play it cool, I wasn't going to start screaming at him, I mean I'm not insane.....

"Um, no it's fine, I'll, um, be right out." I said trying not sound crazy nervous.

"Okay good." He grinned at me and walked back out.

I started to stand up, but sat back down, my legs hanging of the side of the bed. I sighed and tried to get my head around what just happened.

Wait, why was One Direction still waiting at the hospital for me? Shouldn't they have some interviews or something like that?

I decided that it was pointless to ask questions I didn't have the answer too.

I got up and slowly walked over to a bag that was there. I thought that there might be some clothes in there that I could wear.

I found some black jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Meh, it will do. I quickly changed and grabbed the bottle pills from my night stand.

I looked at the door and took a deep breath. I don't know what will be out there.

I walked out into the hallway and saw Louis and Liam waiting there, both immersed in their phones.

"Hey." I said, trying to calm my beating heart. I was standing in front of 2/5 of One Direction.

I had to tell myself to breath. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

"You ready to go?" Louis asked me, staring at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

"Umm where? And um, why are ya'll here, anyways?" I asked, my Texas coming out through my 'ya'll.'

"Well, we felt slightly responsible for the accident because of the fact that you were not even conscious when it happened. The doctor also said that you cannot drive because of the trauma in your head." He replied.

Damn, his British accent is so cute.

He continued, "And so we thought that it would just be the right thing to at least drive you back to your place. I mean so you can get better and stuff. "

I just nodded slightly, "Okay."

We started to walk down the long white corridor that led to the exit. I'm surprised that no fans had seen them yet.

I guess we were just lucky.

Oh, the irony of that statement.

A beautiful brunette girl, about my age, walked out of one of the rooms. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place who she was.

Louis abruptly stopped and stared at her. "Eleanor? What are you doing here?"

"Louis! My grandad just needed a checkup on his heart and stuff. What are you doing here?"

Before he could respond she walked up to him and kissed him on the lips hard.

Like tongue and everything.

But the worst part was,

He kissed her back.


Hope you liked it!!!!!! :) :)

Like I said above, i know its been a while since I last updated but meh it's updated now and thats all that matters right? Lol


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