A Need for an Explanation

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The night has passed and the group of cookies still remained within the castle of the kingdom in flames. The Flame Spirit Kingdom. They remain waiting for news of the guardians of this kingdom. So far, not much news was heard from the king or queen about the guardians.

The king was walking around the castle looking for something. "Those four have been gone for a while." He said looking around. He then noticed movement around the corner at the end of the hall. He continued walking and turned the corner. It was one of the guests. "Oh, you're not who I was looking for..." he sighed with frustration. The cookie jumped at the sudden talking. "Oh- forgive me for startling you, but I better be off now..." the king left continue looking around the castle. "Huh... ok..." the cookie said. She turned around with her staff and continued wondering around the castle, fascinated with the architecture of the castle. The king continued looking around to then see fur. "What the?" He crouched down to take a closer look. "This doesn't look like... huh... weird..." he decided to ignore it and walked away.

"Uhm, forgive for interrupting what you are doing, King Scorpion Pepper Cookie." The king heard a voice behind him. He turned around to see a blond haired cookie holding a vanilla orchid staff. "Oh... uh... Pure Vanilla Cookie, was it?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie asked. "Yes, uhm, I have a question about my curiosity of this kingdom?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asked. "Go ahead." "I was wondering why this kingdom was ever closed away, lost for years and how your people managed to live all these years here?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asked. "I- uh... oh well... the stories I was told takes place hundreds to even maybe thousands of years ago. I would ask villagers from this kingdom if you want to here these stories to get your answer." Scorpion Pepper Cookie suggested. "To the villages?" "Yeah, you all can explore the villages, I'll just notify soldiers not to take you back here or to jail." Scorpion Pepper Cookie said. Pure Vanilla Cookie's eyes lit up with joy as he he thank Scorpion Pepper Cookie before heading outside of the castle. Scorpion Pepper Cookie saw a guard and called him over. "You there!" "Yes, your majesty?" The soldier asked. "Go notify the other soldiers in the kingdom to not hurt or bring the outsiders to jail for any punishment. They are guest and we treat them as friends." Scorpion Pepper Cookie ordered. "Yes, Sir!" The guard rushed out of the castle to to as he was told.

He kept looking around to then find a room where most of the guest cookies were talking to each other. "Oh, greetings, King Scorpion Pepper Cookie, what can we do for you?" Clotted Cream Cookie asked. "Oh, nothing, I was just... looking for someone. Uhm, I do hope you are all enjoying your stay here. We are sorry for the delay on finding the guardians, some of them, I think, wondered off somewhere in the kingdom. If anything, you all are allowed to explore the kingdom of you would like." Scorpion Pepper Cookie commented. "Well, thank you for informing us. I suppose some of us will explore while the others... stay and try to cool off or get used to the heat." HollyBerry Cookie spoke, concerned for those who aren't doing so well in this type of climate of the kingdom. "Oh, don't worry. I can ask one of the servants to bring them some-" Scorpion Pepper Cookie was interrupted by two cookies entering the room. "Oh there you are, Scorpion, we have been looking by for you!" A woman walked behind Scorpion Pepper Cookie, sounding with joyful. "Eh- who are these cookies?" She said as she noticed the group of cookies in the room. "I thought you already seen them?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie mumbled, confused about the situation. "I'm afraid not. I don't think you introduced us to them." The woman responded.

"Oh? Ok then, these are outsiders who are in search for the guardians of the Blood Soul's Stone and they haven't really done any harm to the kingdom." Scorpion Pepper Cookie said. "Not one bit of harm?" A man asked, startling Scorpion Pepper Cookie. "With all do respect, I think you have the wrong idea of us. We aren't here to harm anyone. We are just looking for help from this kingdom to also- well help this kingdom." Clotted Cream Cookie explained. "Forgive us if we sounded rude." The woman said as she bowed. "We do hope you enjoy your stay, but we better be off, we need to talk to the king about something very important." The woman continued as she pulled Scorpion Pepper Cookie away. The man closed the door and the three cookies left. The group of cookies just looked at each other, a bit confused. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to explore the villages of this kingdom." Clotted Cream Cookie said, standing up to head outside of the castle. Financier Cookie followed.

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