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"So," Smokescreen said, "the predacon can transform, huh?"

"Yeah, it can." Wheeljack responded, rubbing a sore spot on his arm from the fight earlier, "And if he wasn't going to come after us before, he sure is now."

"And with added determination now that we destroyed his friends," Bulkhead added.

"What is most important," Optimus spoke, "Is that we are all safe and relatively unharmed."

(Y/N) glanced over at Ratchet, who was working on Ultra Magnus' new hand. If it weren't for Optimus, they would have lost two good soldiers that day.

The computer Ratchet had set up earlier beeped, signaling a newly located energon signal. Apart from Magnus and Wheeljack, the team moved closer to see what was going on.

"A new energon signal," Ratchet noted, "Optimus?"

"Ratchet, set a groundbridge for the coordinates. Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and (Y/N) will investigate," Optimus said.

"Alright! I've been needing to stretch my legs!" Smokescreen smiled.

Bee chirped in agreement.

(Y/N) smiled and nodded, being a more reserved bot than her friends.

The groundbridge was set and the trio walked through.

Upon coming out of the groundbridge, they found themselves in a mountainous area with rocky terrain surrounding them. In front of them was a large opening to a dark cave.

"The signal is coming from there," (Y/N) pointed to it as she eyed her energon scanner.

They approached the cave opening and the scanner beeped louder and louder until they were at the entrance.

The scanner went silent.

(Y/N) frowned.

"That's weird. Why'd it stop?" Smokescreen asked.

— "Broken?" — Bee suggested.

"It couldn't be broken," (Y/N) shook her helm, "I just fixed it the other day."

She moved the scanner around the mouth of the cave, trying to relocate the signal. When she raised it to the ceiling of the cave, the beeping started again.

Her optics followed the direction it was pointing to and that's when she saw a figure move within the darkness.

"Get back!" she yelled but it was too late.

The figure sprang out from the darkness and roared.

Bee beeped in surprise and transformed his serves into cannons and started shooting at the beast.

"The predacon!" Smokescreen followed Bee's actions.

Their shots did nothing to deter the predator and he snarled at pounced forwards. He pinned (Y/N) down in seconds and looked her right in the optics. (Y/N) struggled in his grasp, unwilling to lay there helplessly.

He growled and made his decision. She was strong and would do well for his mission. That is if she was strong enough to handle the might of the king of the predacons.

With a strong flap of his massive wings, he took off into the air, prize in his talons.

The prize in question, (Y/N), gasped from the sudden weightlessness she felt and looked towards the shrinking ground where her teammates called for her.

The predacon and (Y/N) disappeared in the dark clouds of a storm rolling in. Smokescreen and Bumblebee stood there in shock before Bee frantically called back to base, trying to explain everything.

"Bumblebee! Slow down! What do you mean the predacon took (Y/N)?" Ratchet responded.

The base went silent at his words, wondering what had gone down on a simple energon scouting routine.

"Bumblebee, Smokescreen, return to base immediately," Optimus ordered.

Ratchet set a groundbridge and the two mechs rushed through.

After explaining the whole situation to the team, there was a heavy silence around the base.

"No fight?" Bulkhead asked, "He just took her?"

"Yup. Just appeared from the shadows and grabbed her," Smokescreen nodded sadly.

He felt like he had failed to protect his friend.

"But why? We're not working on any big plans and as far as we know, they're still recovering from a major loss," Jack noted.

"Perhaps they are working on a new project already," Magnus spoke up, "Though I'm not sure why they would need one of us."


"Put me down, predacon!" (Y/N) was sick of being carried around like this creature's toy.

The predacon huffed in annoyance, wishing he could cause this Autobot the suffering she deserved. But he had to wait until later.

The Nemesis came into view and he landed on the deck of the ship. His talons released his captive.

(Y/N) scrambled onto her pedes and looked up at the predacon.

She considered her options. She couldn't fight him, but she was smaller and therefore would be more difficult to catch. Seeing as she was a seeker, she could probably outfly him.

There were only about three seekers who joined the Autobots at the start of the war. She was the only surviving one and the only femme. She was what one would call "rare". Seekers are already a small sanction of Cybertronians and there is only one femme for every twelve mechs.

The predacon before her transformed into his bipedal form. The seeker felt her wings drop slightly from his sheer size. He was twice her height and his muscle mass diminished her hope for any chance at besting him in battle.

His yellow optics were swarmed with revenge and hatred towards her. An additional look rested within his stare. A look that scared (Y/N) with what he planned to do.

His clawed servos grasped her wings, creating dents from the pressure he exerted.

"This way, Autobot," he snapped, dragging her towards the entrance to the ship.

(Y/N) winced and walked with the predacon. Seeker wings can be sensitive to pain and right now this beast was digging his claws into them.

Inside the ship, four vehicons waited for them. He let go of her wings and the troopers restrained her with cuffs around her wrists and bands around her wings to forcefully keep them together.

In the past, captive seekers were known to still inflict damage upon their captors with their free wings, and so it became mandatory to restrain their arms as well as their wings. Plus, restraining their wings causes discomfort for them.

"I must seek an audience with Lord Megatron." He spoke to the vehicons, "Take this wench to her cell."

At the word he called her, (Y/N) glared at him. The vehicons pulled her in the direction of the holding cells and she turned away from him.

Taking one last look at his prize as she walked away, he found himself admiring her. She had spirit. Though he might have to break it, he respected her for it.

The Pawn (TFP) (PredakingxFemme!Autobot!Seeker)Where stories live. Discover now