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(Y/N) was deep in recharge the next day, her frame and mind recovering from the trauma she experienced the day prior.

She was peaceful in her recharge, enjoying a nice dream where she was back at base with her family. Maybe dream she was taking the human children for a ride in her cockpit or maybe she flew alone, feeling the sun on her wings. Sadly this wasn't her reality.

She woke up gently from her recharge. She was comfortable and warm. Safe. Then she realized that there was something curled around her.

As her optics came online, she brushed a servo over the surface of what her helm rested on. She recognized that rough texture.

Her optics trailed along the heavy armored plates until they came to rest on Predaking's face plates. He was in his beast form. An audial fin twitched in his recharge. His tail was curled carefully around (Y/N).

(Y/N) watched the predacon rest, watching all of his small movements and letting her mind wander. He looked so beautiful. So magnificent.

She looked down at her lap and ran her digits over stretches and minor injuries from yesterday.

(Y/N)'s frame was aching and sore from what she went through. It would be like that for a few cycles. She had gotten used to her frame being sore ever since the war started. For now, her pain was fairly easy to ignore but her thoughts were loud.

The predacon was her sparkmate for life. But (Y/N) wasn't as joyful as she thought she'd be about seeing her sparkmate. She hadn't thought much about finding a sparkmate of her own before. But when she did, she thought her spark would flutter with excitement and a smile would cross her face plates.

When she looked at Predaking, she felt hatred and sadness. He hurt her in more ways than one. He didn't care about her and she didn't care about him. It felt weird to call him her sparkmate.

A soft growl rumbled in Predaking's chassis. (Y/N) looked to him again. He was still in recharge, but he was moving around more. He made a few small noises. (Y/N) concluded that he must be dreaming.

She looked over her shoulder and craned her neck cables to look over his back and see the door. A red dot shone incessantly bright on the wall next to the metal doors. It was locked from the outside. Her optics trailed the walls encasing her.

The room was small but it could fit the predacon comfortably, though he would probably prefer more space. There were no windows, one door, and vents so small that humans may not even fit into them.

(Y/N) felt restless. She gained a surge of energy and decided she wanted to move around. Carefully, she pushed Predaking's tail away from her and brought herself to her pedes.

She was satisfied to have gained some sort of control over the beast, but her joy was short-lived as a sharp pain cut through her middle and down her legs. She cried out and fell to her knees, an arm around her middle.

She heard a whine. Looking behind her, Predaking's optics came online and he looked at her confused and annoyed.

Primus, she could really feel the pain now.

(Y/N) sort of wished he would just kill her already but she would never allow him that sort of satisfaction.

The beast transformed into his bipedal form and looked down on her. (Y/N)'s wings rested lower on her back, from both the pain and embarrassment she felt.

She thought he would feel amused by her pain. Prideful, even. But surprisingly, she felt more concern than much else on his end.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Last night happened," (Y/N) shot him a glare.

"You are in pain?"

"I'm fine."

"I know you're hurting. Don't lie to me," he snapped.

Then, more softly, "Let me assist you."

He knelt down and held out his clawed servo for her to use.

(Y/N) first tried to stand on her own, not wanting to touch him. She got on her two shaking legs before deciding to just hold onto him for support.

Her entire frame was hurting from the movement. Especially around her torso, legs, and pelvis. And it was his fault.

He stood up and slowly helped her to the berth. When they had gotten close enough, he picked her up and gently set her down on it.

"It's because of the sparkmating, isn't it?" He questioned.

(Y/N) nodded.

Predaking looked a bit guilty about her confirmation.

"I will call for Knockout to check you over. You cannot properly carry sparklings if you are damaged in any way."

Damaged? Well, who did all the damaging? (Y/N) thought, giving him a look.

"I am aware of your anger," he added.

(Y/N) grumbled to herself.

Not long later, Knockout came to the room.

"There's my favorite lovebirds!" He greeted sarcastically.

(Y/N) glared at him. Predaking stood off to the side quietly.

"(Y/N)! You look lovely. How are you feeling after your fun night?"


"Sounds amazing with the way you're talking about it!" He smirked to himself, "Just lay back and I'll just make sure everything down there is intact."

(Y/N) sighed and obliged. There was no getting out of this.

Knockout moved (Y/N)'s legs apart to inspect the area.

Across her new sparkbond, she felt a surge of protectiveness and jealousy from his end. She looked over and saw him glaring at Knockout.

The medic brushed over a particularly sore spot and (Y/N) hissed at the pain. Predaking's side of the bond was growing more and more intense as the examination went on.

Every time Knockout hit a painful spot, Predaking let out a soft growl. And every time he growled, Knockout jumped and nervously glanced at the predacon.

The examination felt like it went on for hours but Knockout was done soon enough.

"You'll live another day, (Y/N)," Knockout wiped his servos off with a rag.

He picked up a scanner and hovered it around her chassis. It beeped once the scan was complete.

"Hm, no sparklings yet," he said to Predaking, "But there's plenty of time for that."

"When will she be healed?" he asked.

"You can frag her right now if you so pleased. She has some mild scrapes and metal burn down there but nothing that will hinder her spark's ability to take sparklings." Knockout explained.

(Y/N) looked at Predaking as he took in his words. Anxiety and suspense filled her as Knockout spoke. She didn't like the way he was talking about her.

Predaking must have felt her fear from their bond and he glanced at her for a moment. He was concerned again.

"What can I do to cause fewer injuries to her?" He turned back to Knockout.

"I recommend using an additional lubricant. It'll make things easier for you and less painful for her."

"I will use that then."

Knockout pulled out a container from his medkit and handed it to Predaking. He looked it over in his servo.

"I must be going then, so many vehicons that need repairs." Knockout waved a hand as he left.

The door slid shut behind him. It locked with that same beep sound as always. (Y/N) was stuck alone with the predacon again.

The Pawn (TFP) (PredakingxFemme!Autobot!Seeker)Where stories live. Discover now