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It had been several hours since (Y/N) had been escorted to her holding cell. She had been standing on her pedes for so long that her legs were numb. The room was void of anything apart from its four walls, a door, and its prisoner.

Why am I here? She wondered.

The predacon could have easily snuffed her spark at the cave, but no. She was here for a reason.

Did the cons want information? The location of their new base?

The femme thought over this for a long time. She had hours to think.

Maybe this had to do with the predacons that Magnus and Wheeljack had destroyed. That had been a major loss to the Decepticon cause.

Eventually, the door to her cell reopened and two vehicons stepped inside.

"Megatron requests your presence," one of the drones said monotonously.

(Y/N) nodded and followed them out. They walked right behind her, one at each side, and guided her through the winding halls of the Nemesis. She tried to take note of where she was, but every hallway was identical. There was no way to distinguish where she was.

They didn't walk for long before the vehicons stopped in front of a set of doors. The one on her right pressed a button and the doors opened.

It was the ship's medbay.

(Y/N) frowned slightly.

The vehicons ushered her inside. They brought her to a berth.

"Lie down," One said.

(Y/N) complied and as soon as she was on the berth, they sure cured her servos, legs, and middle with restraints. They then left and shut the doors behind her.

"So nice to see you, dear (Y/N)."

(Y/N) turned to face a familiar cherry color medic.


Just behind him stood Shockwave, who was tooling with something on a table.

"You're here for a checkup. You know, the usual examination of health and wellness," he waved a servo dismissively.

"What for?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

"Your well-being of course."

He smiled a smile that screamed "I know something you don't know". He turned to the table and picked up a medical scanner and started examining her frame.

Whatever he was looking for, he seemed satisfied with the results. He took a syringe from the table next and held her arm still while he stuck an energon vein and drew some of her energon.

He brought the energon sample back to where Shockwave was and they hovered over it with backs turned to (Y/N). She couldn't see what they were doing, but they muttered amongst themselves.

Shockwave turned back round and walked over to the examination berth where (Y/N) was. He held a different scanner in his hand. He focused his attention on her chassis.

"What is this for?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Megatron has ordered your fate to remain a surprise," Shockwave answered.

"My fate?" (Y/N) questioned.

Her words were unheard by the scientist as he turned to his computer and typed in his results. (Y/N) could see a picture of her frame on the screen, along with notes about her size, physical strength, and endurance.

"Knockout, I will need to examine her spark chamber and reproductive system," He turned to the medic.

(Y/N) felt a twinge of surprise and anger.

The Pawn (TFP) (PredakingxFemme!Autobot!Seeker)Where stories live. Discover now