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When interfacing, Predaking ignored every natural instinct to mercilessly frag his mate. But unfortunately, him being as gentle as possible was still considered rough on (Y/N)'s end. They were just too physically different.

So at least once an Earth-day, Predaking interfaced with (Y/N) and tried to ensure that his mate received pleasure from the experience as well, which was not always the case depending on how she was feeling that day.

She wasn't thrilled about any part of this. Her spark sank every time he entered the berthroom. Then, he would tell her to simply relax and not to struggle because "his intentions were inevitable". (Y/N) believed he was right. No matter how much she struggled or fought against him, he could pin her to the berth with one servo, smear her valve with artificial lubricant, have his way with her, and then try to amend his wrongs by caring for her afterward. (Y/N) was too smart to fall for his manipulations.

Every day was the same. After getting fragged, (Y/N) would usually fall into recharge, and wake up feeling sore with Predaking curled around her protectively. Then, eventually, he woke up and left her in the room alone and she would stay there, bored out of her processor, until he returned—sometimes with energon—and fragged her again. Occasionally Knockout or Shockwave would come by to give (Y/N) a checkup to look for spark signatures. Thankfully there were none. It was a vicious cycle for (Y/N).

Her mind was almost constantly racing with anxieties. The fear that one of these checkups would bring the news.

Weeks had passed since her capture. She wasn't carrying yet but at any check up she could find out she was. What if she was carrying right now and didn't know?

Her wings drooped with all of these thoughts. Across the bond, she felt a warm sense of comfort from his end. It did little to help.

(Y/N) knew she had to escape before it was too late. But if she did manage to get out of this Primus-forsaken room, there was no way of knowing where an exit was. The Nemesis was a vicious maze. One wrong turn could bring her straight to Megatron or her "sparkmate". Besides Soundwave could and likely would be watching her every move.

(Y/N) groaned and shuffled off of the berth. She had so much pent-up energy. She felt as though she was wasting away in this tiny room. Her wings twitched and ached from disuse. She longed for the skies. It was cruel to keep a seeker from flight.

With nothing else to do, she paced. From wall to wall. Back again. And again.

Hours passed.

She wondered if maybe, physically, it was impossible for Predaking and her to create sparklings. He was a predacon after all. Or maybe something was wrong with her reproductive system. Or his.

What would the cons do if that were the case? Dispose of her?

She wondered if Predaking would feel any remorse for her death. She thought about him protecting her from Megatron, but she decided that was unlikely. She then imagined him standing by with hate in his eyes as he let her be offlined slowly and painfully.

The thought made her spark ache even more. Tears pricked her optics and she quickly blinked them away. She felt anger now. How dare this predacon—this monster make her feel this way!

Lately, she could tell when he was getting closer to her. It was about time he came back to the room. She didn't want to see him. Tonight was going to be one of those nights where she would be in much discomfort and pain while he did what he pleased.

(Y/N) heard the doors unlock and slide open. Immediately, her wings shook slightly, producing a low vibration akin to a growl. His heavy pedesteps paused.

"Tonight will be different," Predaking spoke.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, expecting him to mean he was trying a new position or he would be rougher for his sake. But in his hand, he held restraints.

She glanced at them, then back to his optics, which had never left hers.

"What are those for? A kink of yours?" she grumbled.

He had gotten somewhat used to comments like that over the last few weeks. He was unamused.

"There will be no interfacing tonight. I am taking you for a walk," he said.

"A walk?" (Y/N) asked, surprised.

"The medic said exercise is good for health and that maybe you need a change of scenery," he carefully took her servos and put the restraints on, "He suggested you may be experiencing... mental trouble, which may be hindering your ability to create."

Being out of this room after so long would be nice. She felt like she was going to go insane.

"Oh..." (Y/N) trailed, "Okay."

He led her out of the room and (Y/N) stepped out into the dim hallways for the first time in weeks. She never thought that being able to see a different set of walls make her feel so happy and relieved.

Predaking led her down the hallway, having to walk slowly because (Y/N) 's legs were smaller. He didn't want her overexerting herself by having to run around trying to keep up with his long strides.

A small group of vehicons passed them by. Their identical heads turned to look at her, and though they possessed no features to show expression, (Y/N) knew they were giving her dirty looks. If it were not for Predaking's dominating presence, they would have killed her instantly.

A low growl from her sparkmate sent the vehicons scurrying away in the opposite direction. (Y/N) felt amusement at their sudden switch up. Predaking felt her mirth from across their bond and felt pleased. He enjoyed making her feel amused. He enjoyed knowing she felt secure by his side.

He decided to make sure she felt even more safe by him. He decided to try and get the two of them to become closer, for he wanted to know her as a companion and not just a pawn.

He decided to show her something.

The Pawn (TFP) (PredakingxFemme!Autobot!Seeker)Where stories live. Discover now