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"Do you feel defenseless, Autobot?"

(Y/N) felt her wings lower in intimidation. She took a step back.

"Good... Now you know what my fellow predacons endured right before you massacred them!"

In one fluid motion, he grabbed (Y/N) by one of her wings and flung her across the room. She winced from the impact against the cold metal floor. Before she could pick herself up, the predacon was advancing on her again, his long legs lessening the distance between them with ease.

He spoke lovely, "You have helped in the destruction of my predacon army," now in front of her, he roughly picked her up by the neck cables, "Now you will help in the creation of a new army."

(Y/N) grabbed his wrist to steady herself and she looked at him with confused and alert optics.

"What are you saying?" she questions, "Creation? You can't mean-"

"I do."

(Y/N) feels fear grow inside of her. Doubts of her ability to survive this encounter rose.

"But- w-we can't create anything unless we are sparkmated! We don't even know if predacons and Cybertronians can sparkmate," she attempted to reason.

"You will find, Autobot, that I fully intend to rebuild my great army no matter the cost. You are but a pawn within my plan," he moved towards a berth pressed against the wall.

"No!" (Y/N) struggled against him.


"No! In order for our sparks to bond, we both need to be willing to do so!" she panicked.

"You are mistaken," he tapped a talon against her chassis, "Our sparks only need to touch in order for a sparkbond to form. It does not matter if one party is unwilling."

He laid her down on the berth and pinned her wrists above her helm. His free servo carefully trailed across her chest plates.

"I will not let you do this!" (Y/N) spat, squirming as best as she could against his iron hold.

"I am the king of predacons," he snaps, "Your will is no match for my might!"

"No! No, sparkbonding is permanent! Haven't you thought this fully through? You can't undo this!" she cried.

"If your survive this night," he spoke, "then I shall keep you alive and safe until your services are no longer required."

"You sick fragger!" (Y/N) kicked her legs to no avail.

"Watch your tongue," he removed his servo from holding her wrists above her helm and he worked at her chest plates, deciding how to go about accessing her spark.

"Let go of me!" (Y/N) clawed at his talons but her actions were useless.

With a screech of bending metal, he forced her chest plates apart to reveal her sparkchamber.

(Y/N) let out a scream, a mix of surprise and pain. She had tried to keep her spark chamber closed with all of her might, but the predacon was strong and despite her attempts, he was able to succeed.

(Y/N) watched through teary optics as the monster above her opened his own sparkchamber and caught her in an embrace. Their sparks connected through bioelectric lines with a crackle and a flash.

Overwhelming pain encased the two. Normally, two lovers would sparkbond and feel pleasure, but neither side loved the other and so this was a violent experience.

Predaking cried out in surprise at the fiery sensation in his chest. (Y/N)'s faceplates contorted into a silent scream, the pain overtaking her to the point where she was silent.

Once the bond was complete, their sparks pushed them away from one another. Their sparkchambers shut and they both suffered the after effects of their bonding.

Predaking was able to handle the after effects with some difficulty. He was overheating, but some deep vents would help with cooling him off. His chassis was sore, but not enough to bring him down.

(Y/N) was suffering the most out of the two. her chest plates were bend strangely out of their normal shape and this caused her extra pain. And of course she was dealing with the overheating from the spark bonding. Bonding to a larger bot was always taxing on the smaller bot, but with Predaking's great size this was several times worse.

While forcing her sparkchamber open, he had dented one of the major vents in her frame. (Y/N) couldn't cool herself down properly.

She lay still on the berth, Predaking sitting on the edge next to her, and she worked on taking slow, deep vents, but the cool air couldn't reach most of her frame because of the damage.

A soft whimper escaped her lips and Predaking's attention was drawn back to her. He could feel her pain now.

Looking her over, he determined that (Y/N) would need repairs before further continuing with spark mating. Once she was able to properly cool herself down, the femme would survive the bonding.

The Pawn (TFP) (PredakingxFemme!Autobot!Seeker)Where stories live. Discover now