Chapter 52

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               Felix's POV
A few days later, it was Bolt's birthday. I was up all night decorating.

"You did all this in a night?"

"I'm pretty proud of myself too."


"I'm gonna go wake the birthday boy."

I ran up to his room. I opened his bedroom door and walked in. I walked up to his bed.

"Hey buddy? Bolt?"

He opened his eyes.

"Good morning birthday boy."

He rubbed his eyes and sat up. His face lit up when he saw all the decorations.


He ran around the house looking at everything. I scooped him up when he ran in front of me.

"Come here little man! Do you like everything?"


"Let's go get you ready for your party."

"Wanna come pick up the cake with us?"

Novalia ran downstairs the stairs.

"I wanna go too!"

We all got ready then went to pick up his cake. His face lit up once he saw it.


The party started and all the kids were running around playing.

"You are the best father, love."

My little cousin ran up to me.


"Bolt is SOOOOO adorable! I can't believe that this is his first birthday party! I love him so much!"

I smiled.

"I love him too."

Bolt ran up to me.


"Hi! Having fun?"


"I'm glad."

"Cookie pwease?"

Don't give in.

Not the puppy dog eyes!

Not the puppy dog eyes!

"You can have 1."


I gave in...

I went and snuck him a cookie.

"Tank you dadda!"

"You're welcome. Let's hide so nobody sees. Let's go...."

I looked under the table.

"The table! That should work!"

We snuck over to the table and sat underneath it.

"Eat it slowly. You'll get sick if you eat too fast. Break pieces off."

He listened to me.

"Do you want a brother or sister?"


"Oh? I want you to have both actually. I won't complain if a girl comes first though."

"Boys? Where are you?"

"Uh oh. Mommy's looking for us."

Pixelle stopped in front of the table and looked down.

"Really? Really?"

I laughed awkwardly.

"It's good mommy!"

"What? It's his birthday."

"You are such a sucker."

We got up from under the table. I hit my head.

"Oof. Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah."

Bolt enjoyed the rest of his party. He went to bed with no problems. I felt someone tapping me. I opened my eyes and saw Bolt.

"Hey little man. What's wrong?"

He sounds different.

"I don't feel good."

He sniffled.

"Oh no."

He sneezed and I sat up. I held his hand and brought him to the bathroom. I put him down on the counter and used the thermometer. It beeped and I looked at him.

"Oh no. You have a fever."



I walked to Pixelle's side of the bed and woke her up.

"Babe? Bolt has a fever."

She jumped up.

"What is it?"


"Lix he has to go to the hospital."

"I figured. Do you want to come?"

"No. I shouldn't. I'll stay here and watch Nova. It's okay. Don't worry."

I put Bolt down on the floor and turned off the bathroom light. I woke Novalia up to let her know. I grabbed my backpack and started getting it ready. Bolt sneezed again.

I noticed his nose was running. I grabbed a tissue then wiped his nose.

"Alright. Go pick a stuffed animal to bring. You'll probably be at the doctor's for a bit."

He started to cry.

"No no. It's okay. Don't you worry. You'll be back in your bed before you know it."

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