1x01:Divide And Conquer

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Opening shot: an overhead view of a prison at night. Smoke pours from behind the outer wall and the shattered front entrance, as well as from a spot on the bridge that leads to the complex.

If these clues are not enough to indicate that something very bad is going on, the blaring klaxons and sirens settle the point decisively.

Zoom in very slowly and cut to inside the entrance; three guards run in through it. Each has a number emblazoned on his shoulder; 1, 3, 8.

Guard 1: Code red! Cellblock Nine! Move out!

The other two follow orders, and he brings up the rear. They run in a short distance and then slow to a walk, weapons at the ready.

Guard 1: Main yard secure.

Something very large is thrown down in front of them to roll a little bit.

Guard 3: There he is! (They advance.)

Guard 8: He'll free the criminals! (They level their weapons.)

Guard 1: Fire!

Their target has already bashed a large hole through the wall of the cellblock and is on the way in: he threw part of the torn-out section at them. Seen from the back, this creature is at least ten feet tall, very blocky, and appears to be built entirely of concrete. We have just met the villain Cinderblock. Laser blasts from the guards strike the edges of the hole he has made, while a few connect with his back and others fly past.

He turns to them, revealing an equally blocky face with small, red eyes. The shots are having no discernible effect on him. Voicing a grating roar, he raises one massive foot and stomps the ground; this produces a long fissure that throws debris and dust into the three guards' faces to spoil their aim.

Cut to inside the cellblock. He moves in and stops upon hearing the next words.

Beast Boy: (from o.c.) You know, Cinderblock, normally, the bad guys break out of jail.

Robin: (from o.c.) And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in.

Cut to Robin; he leaps across the floor and lands in a crouch.

Robin: (voice over) One!

Now Starfire swoops and lands, looking sidelong at the camera from over her shoulder.

Starfire: (voice over) Two!

Beast Boy, as a tiger, lunges in. When he comes down, he has taken human form except for his head and one arm; he quickly restores these as well.

Beast Boy: (voice over) Three!

Next, Raven drops in and gets ready to cast a spell.

Raven: (voice over) Four!

Cyborg jumps in.

Cyborg: (voice over) Five!

Finally Masaru materializes out of no where his index and middle fingers on his forehead. He drops his hand and glares.

Masaru: Six!

The Titans stand ready for battle now.

Robin: No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down. So, are you going to go quietly... (Pan to Cyborg.)

Cyborg: ...Or is this gonna get loud? (Cinderblock roars and barrels straight toward them.)

Robin: Titans! Go!

They charge; Beast Boy becomes a falcon to fly behind Raven and Starfire. Yelling, the six heroes and the one oversized villain hurtle toward one another. Freeze frame and snap to black.

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