1x04:Forces Of Nature

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Opening shot: a night sky filled with dark thunderhead clouds. Flashes of lightning illuminate their contours. A bulky silhouette stands up among them and begins to swing a pair of sticks against the clouds; every time it brings them down, there is another strike and accompanying thunderclap.

Dissolve to another patch of the sky, where even more lightning crackles back and forth. A second silhouette, this one much thinner and with spiky upswetpt hair, stands up and directs its hands here and there. There is a new flare-up every time it does so.

When the last one clears, the camera has moved to a point near the underside of the clouds as the flashes continue from within. There is a huge strike, and the camera pulls back to put Titans Tower in view. Inside, in the hall, Beast Boy has become a musk ox and is straining mightily at a rubber band looped over his horns, trying to catch it on a nearby hook.

He succeeds and ducks away, coming up in human form with a mischievous smile on his face. Now he produces a large, filled water balloon that sloshes a bit in his hands, and he lets off a wicked little chuckle.

Beast Boy: This is gonna be so sweet!

Raven: (from o.c.) What are you doing?

Surprised by her words, he lets go of the balloon and completely freaks out as he tries desperately to make a safe catch. Finally, he gets hold of it and turns around, and the camera pans to show Raven behind him.

Raven: Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank.

Beast Boy: Okay. It's not a ridiculous prank. It's a brilliant one!

He laughs. Close-up of her, rolling her eyes wearily.

Beast Boy: (from o.c.) All right, check it out. (Pull back to frame both.) 'Member how Cyborg put red dye in my shampoo and It turned brown for two days? Well, sister, it's payback time.

A thought balloon appears above his head as he describes the situation. It shows, in "Super Deformed" style, the hapless victim-tinted brown, holding a scrub brush, in towel, shower cap, and slippers, standing there while the other SD Titans scroll past and laugh at him. The balloon disappears as he finishes; now a pull string hangs down from the ceiling, and he reaches for it.

Beast Boy: I give you...the Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000!

As he says this, he pulls the string and he and Raven back up o.c. Down comes a blueprint that fills most of the screen; the words "Beast Boy" and "Insta-Lube" slide in beneath it, after which "9000" drops from the lower edge and replaces them. Masaru walks over hearing the commotion.

The diagram shows the rubber band, which is part of a floor-mounted slingshot, held back by the hook and with the balloon loaded in. A tripwire in front of the rig runs through overhead pulleys and is tied to a lever that is in turn connected to the hook.

The lower portion of the screen dissolves to a shot of the hall and zooms in on the tripwire, and on the blueprint, a rough figure of Cyborg steps up and catches his foot there.

Beast Boy: (voice over) See, when Chrome-Dome steps around the corner, his foot tugs the string. (Lower portion: follow it to the lever.) The string trips the lever...

Blueprint: it moves forward and pops the band loose. Lower portion: zoom in on the attachment point.

Beast Boy: (voice over) ...the lever releases the mother of all rubber bands...

Blueprint: the balloon sails toward Cyborg in slow motion. Lower portion: Raven and Masaru walk over to the setup, and Beast Boy pops into view with the ammo.

Beast Boy: (loading it in) ...which sends a balloon, load of motor oil flying right at him, and BOOSH! (The blueprint rolls back up on this last word.) Pretty clever, huh?

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