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Mon's pov:

I can't take this anymore!

I cried myself to sleep as me and Nop fought, as years passed by our relationship went downhill as he tries to control and manipulate me into doing things i dont want to, and its making it hard for me to see the good things he did to me in our relationship.
He always suspects me of cheating, he would always argue with me on small things, he gets too jealous when my friends tries to hang out with me

He even slapped me when a guy from our class asked about a project and he thought that i was flirting with the guy.
I stared at the ceiling thinking about my life choices and i cant help but cry at how miserable my life is i got up and took a blade and slashed a line in my skin one by one.. I cried and cried and cried and felt the blood on my wrist falling

I'm so sick and tired of living my shitty life...

I looked at the clock and it was already 3 am in the morning i sighed and tried to get some sleep and wake up like nothing happened.

*alarm clock rings*

"Fuck... " i grunted and turned off the alarm.

" MON! WAKE UP! WERE GONNA BE LATE! " shit. I forgot yuki was picking me up on the way to school. I panicked and covered my wrist with bandage and dressed up in a hoodie and jeans and shoes and ran down quickly and locked the door to my apartment, i live alone my parents died when i was 7 and was put in an orphanage till i turned 18 and now i live alone in my apartment and started a business of my own at 19 and now its my last year of college, i studied hard to get in the place that i have now, my teachers praised my academic performances that i skipped a grade and thats why i got into college at 19

im just really dumb in love.

I met nop when we were a freshmen in college and weve been together for almost 4 years now, but... I regretted being with him when i knew more of his attitude, he is a manipulative, abusive and  controlling man that even yuki can't stop him from beating me up.

" come on mon were gonna be late! " i huffed and went inside her car and she drove, " oh shut up yuki, we can be late its still first day of school. "
She rolled her eyes and grunted, " im gonna miss looking at new freshmen college you know! Who knows im gonna see THE ONE for me! " i rolled my eyes at her, " the one youre looking for doesnt exist bitch. "

Look where it got me...  I said to myself.

She sighed and looked at me,  " i told you, you should break things off with him already. Look at you! You're growing thin! You even developed depression because of him! Arent you tired of the beatings he gives you?" Yuki said and i just looked out the window and thought about breaking things off with him.

" im gonna do it. " i said absent mindedly.

" im gonna break up with him. " yuki smiled. " FINALLY! you got some sense into you. Look, im just really worried for you okay? Youre practically my sister, and the way hes treating you is not even a boyfriend thing! Its an abusive thing. And i dont want to see you in this state.. I want my happy mon back... " she said getting teary- eyed and i hugged her tight and she hugged me back.

"Im sorry i made you worry... " she shook her head. " i worry for you because you are my friend, without you things wouldnt be as fun as now. " she said smiling and i smiled back, "okay you emotion wreck lets go. " we didnt notice that we already have arrived at school and we got out of the car and nop was there already waiting for me and his face was really showing he is pissed off.
I looked at yuki and nodded and she smiled lightly at me and i went to nop.

" what to you so fucking long? " he said to me and i rolled my eyes and walked past him.

" traffic. " he held my wrist where i cut last night and i winced in pain and he made me face him, " what did you say to me bitch?! " i tugged at him to let me go the wound was starting to  bleed and i felt my eyes water from the pain i feel.

"L-let me go nop! It hurts!! " i said to him and he was about to hit me and i close my ees waiting for impact when i didnt feel any i opened my eyes and there was a woman holding his arm and her face screams dominance and i cant help but look at her.

She is like a goddess that fell down from heaven.. She was that beautiful..

Nop snatched his arm from her and i felt his hold on me loosen up and i slapped his hand away frim me and held my wrist.

" you know you shouldnt hit a girl. " the woman said if her cold gaze could kill a person Nop would have died right there

"Who the fuck even are you to stop me from doing so? Youre just a nobody, im his boyfriend. " he said getting pissed off and the woman just stood beside me encircling her arm around my shoulder and he face him, "im her friend, Samanun Anuntrakul. " she said confidently and Nop's face was fuming in anger, he tried to get to me but the woman just stood between us and she glared at him yuki went by my side and pulled me, " break up with him... Now.! " she whispered and i looked at her and shook my head.

" not now! Not here! " i whispered back and the next thing i know Nop was lying face down in the ground and the woman named samanun just looked at him.

"Next time you try to hit my friend, thats not the only thing youll be recieving from me. " the crowd was in awe on how strog this woman is she looked at me and yuki and told us to come with her.

Who is this woman and why did she try to protect me?

Heyyyyy my lovelyy readers!!! This is my new story the day i fell for you! I hope you like this story tho it may be a little sad than usual i wanna try a new approach to it hehe I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE STORY! LOVELOTS!

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