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Sam's pov:

all i could hear was the beeping sound of a monitor signifying i'm alive, i slowly opened my eyes and i was greeted with the bright light of the hospital.

" she's awake everyone." 

nueng said and Mon was already on my side and holding my face gently and she was about to cry and i smiled softly, " dont cry my love, im okay , im still here." 

she hugged me and i flinched a little cause of the wound she retracted and wiped her tears,
" s-sorry.." she sniffled and i kissed her forehead, suddenly i heard a cough and i know it was one of the twins, 

" im so glad the love fest is over, we're still here you know." i rolled my eyes and smiled at them, " hello to you too." they chuckled and greeted me one by one. 

we talked for several hours when nueng spoke up. 

"so, about the person who attacked us. we know who it is." i sat up straight and listen intently.

"did you remember the guy who grandmother tried to arranged marriage you with? Kirk?"
i thought carefully and like a lightbulb i looked at nueng, 

"tsk. so pathetic. how low of him. even trying to track us and kill my girlfriend." i was fuming mad and mon held my hand and i calmed down instantly. 

"yeah the guy you knocked out, was easy to crack and he told us that it is kirk." kade smirked and flip her hair like its nothing,
"thanks, everyone. now that we know who it is. we need to plan something to predict his moves." they all nodded and mon look at me. 

"what's the plan?" i looked at nueng and kade,
"first off, yuki, tee,noey, jim and song we're gonna put you in one of the safehouse we own and we'll tell the school that we're gonna pull off yuki,song and mon because of the events that happened, they'll understand." nueng said and kade continued.

"i will hire the best assassins and bodyguards all over the world to guard the safehouse 24\7, i will make sure no one will harm all of you." kade said seriously and they all nodded. 

"as for me, im gonna contact grandmother about what happened, im sure she'll track down the guy." i said smirking and mon held my hand tightly and i smiled softly to reassure her its alright. 

Mon's pov: 

how my life turned upside down...just like what they said...all good things has some end to it. 

here i am in the hospital with the love of my life lying peacefully on the bed, i held her hand and squeeze it looking at her.

memorizing her face, how her lips curves into a smile, how her eyebrows knit together when she gets confuse, how her eyes glitters when she smiles...those little things that i love about her.. a single tear fell from my eyes and i wiped it away looking at her.

" i know you're worried Mon.." i look to my side and it was Jim smiling sadly at me, i smiled sadly and looked at Sam, 

"its just....i dont want her to get hurt you know...after mom and dad died...i thought i could never experience the feeling of happiness...not until Sam arrived...Sam..really changed everything for me..she gave back the light that i was chasing for so many years..the feeling of complete contentment over someone special..being safe in someone's arms like no one could ever harm you again...that's why im scared that i might lose her...i love her Jim..so much.. " i cried silently and jim comforted me. 

" i know this situation is very hard for you, for everyone, but one thing that i know about Sam? is that she'll do everything in her power to keep us safe, heck she'll even use her chankimha privilege just to keep us away from harm. yes, she does get in fights just because of our safety but she always comes back to us alive. i know this time, with you by her side she'll always come back because she has a reason to come back and that's you." 

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