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Sam's pov:

what a day! there were alot of paperworks waiting for me at work and i had to go to different meetings with investors and it was a hassle, my headache was bothering me but i didnt stop working so that i could spend time with Mon. 

Yha came in with my tea and slowly put it down on the table and she looked at me worriedly, "Lady Boss, you should take a rest...its really taking a toll on you your eyebags have eyebags. not to sound funny." i chuckled and sip my tea slowly i looked at the clock it was almost 5 pm and i promised Mon we're going to the carnival i stood up and fixed my suit and smiled at my secretary, "i'll be fine, i promised my girlfriend that i'll take her to the carnival."

 i smiled and yha smiling softly, " you should take your girlfriend here sometimes lady boss, i would love to meet the girl who made my lady boss heart melt." i chuckled and fixed  my desk and took my bag and walked out with yha, "someday i will, and i am not hard on all of you." yha raised her eyebrow and i rolled my eyes, " okay fine, i am a teensie hard on you guys but i just want to bring out the best out of you." yha chuckled " okay boss of the year, but before you leave, a new investor is coming in next week, do you want ms. jennie to take care of it?" i shook my head and smiled, " i'll take care of it ms. jennie is on vacation with her wife." yha nodded and i told them all to go home and i went to my car and went to pick up my girlfriend.

[ at mon's school]

i waited patiently for her to come out and i heard the school bell rung and saw mon coming out together with my sister and yuki, when mon saw me she smiled and ran to me and hugged me tight and gave me a peck, " wow, so eager for our date are we?" i fixed my casual suit and looked at her, " how do i look?" she giggled and kissed my cheek, " magnificent as ever." 

yuki and song rolled their eyes with the PDA going on and i laughed softly, "come on ill get you guys home before you stab me for being too sweet." 

"finally you noticed!" yuki shouted and song giggled and i rolled my eyes and dropped them in their homes. 

after i dropped them it was only mon and me left and she held my hand and i intertwined our fingers and kissed the top of her hand and she blushed, " you're a dork you know that?" i chuckled and started driving, " i'm your dork and i love you." i smiled softly and she blushed and reached to my seat and kissed my cheek, " i love you too." it was just a simple i love you but butterflies erupted in my stomach like fireworks. 

when we arrived at the carnival she was like a kid smiling from ear to ear looking at the rides and foods around, she jumped up and down giddily looking at me and i smiled at her.

seeing her smile and happy like this is just priceless...

she went from rides to another ride and tasted all the carnival food, i was so worried she would throw up from eating too much but she was just inhaling it in like air. she was laughing, smiling, and just having the time of her life and i was there to witnessed all and be the reason of it..

i wish you we're here uncle and auntie...i bet you'll be laughing at your daughter's behavior right now...

we we're at the very last ride and it was the ferris wheel, she looked at the view as it got higher and looking at her...her beauty just go beyond my imaginations every single day...she looked at me and gave me that million dollar smile, "gosh you look so beautiful my love.." she looked down and blushed and held her face softly and her gazed soften and our face we're mere inches from each other and she looked at my eyes and slowly looked down on my lips..

we we're both wanting it and we slowly leaned in and we..kissed....

her soft plump lips fits perfectly with mine..she taste so sweet like honey...as fireworks we're erupting outside as we continued to kiss till we we're out of breath and held each other closely..

"i've never felt this way before...nop was never this gentle with me...he was not as sweet as you...as caring as you...as loving as you.." she smiled softly and i kissed her forehead and smiled.

"you deserve more than that my love...and i will make sure you will always feel loved....that you are important..worth it...and most of all, that you are the only girl i love forever....and will always love till we grow old together.." i wiped the tears rolling down her eyes and hugged her tight. 

" and that is a promise that i will keep..." 

we got down  from the ferris wheel and headed home, she was sleeping peacefully throughout the car ride when my phone rang.

"hello? who is this?" 

the other line was silent when a voice spoke up, " enjoy your remaining days with your dear little girlfriend samanun...." he laughed darkly and i turned serious and recorded the call. 

"who are you? what do you want?" i gripped my steering wheel hard and held my phone in anger. "i'm just someone your acquainted with...soon..you'll be mine sam.." then the call ended and i started thinking about who was it and how was he acquainted to me...i didnt notice that i as infront of mon's apartment and i looked at her and caressed her cheek softly, " i will keep you safe my love no matter what." she stir and i smiled my worry away and she looked at me and smiled. " we're home my love.." i got out of the car and opened the door for her and took all the stuff we won at the carnival and went inside her apartment she plop down on her bed and snored softly and i chuckled and took off her shoes and tuck her in to sleep.

before i could go she held my hand and looked at me, " stay..." i smiled and took off my shoes and got in bed beside her and hugged her and kissed her forehead and she slept peacefully.

while she was sleeping i took my phone out and contacted neung and kade about what happened and they responded quickly and that we should talk about it tomorrow and i send an okay responds and put my phone down and looked at mon and hugged her tight and thinking about a plan on keeping mon and everyone else safe till i felt my eyes go down and sleep with mon in my arms..

OMFG IM BACK! hahhahahah i am so terribly sorry ive been missing so many months with you guys......we were moving out from our old home and was having a little therapy too...i am now back anddd i will make sure to update any way that i cannnnn i hope you guys would still read my stories heehe.....enjoy the new chapterrr i have prepareddd i love you my loveliesssss have a great dayyyyy! LOVELOTS!!! 

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