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Sam's pov:

months have past by so quickly and everyone was training hard i even discovered their style of fighting and what they are good at. 

Song is very good in computers and hacking, we made her train more about her knowledge of it and she became our eyes and our hacker in the group, she is trained by the top professional hackers kade have hired and she's progressing well each day. 

Tee is good with  cars, she could improve and enhance any types of car and turn into a war machine, turns out she is good with building anything, she became our mechanic in our group and assist Song as our eyes and ears in the field. 

Jim is good with guns surprisingly, especially snipers. she has good eyesight and could spot an enemy from meters away she could distinguish if people were lying and she would subdue them to make them tell the truth, she became the marksman or id rather say markswoman in the group. 

Yuki is good with knives, any types of knives may it be big or small she can wield knives and throw it in an inhumane speed she's also good in sneaking and stealth. 

and lastly, my girlfriend Mon is good in hand to hand combat and also with guns i never expected for mon to learn quickly with hand to hand combat as there are different styles of it but she exceeded all of our expectations and is one of the best person to deal in hand to hand combat. 

everyone had their own skills to be proud of and i could never have been so proud on all of them.

i went down the training grounds kade prepared for us and watched them trained one by one i went inside the main office and saw kade looking serious with her phone on her ear. 

" alright, i'll call you back." she put her phone down and looked at me, " hey i didnt notice you coming in please sit down." 

"what's wrong kade? you seem to be in distress, everything alright?" kade sighed and looked at me seriously. 

"we know where kirk could be. but..." kade was hesitating. 

"but?" i asked getting anxious. 

" kirk isnt alone in this plan of his. we noticed that he's been meeting up with some unknown person in an abandoned building and we also saw nop and nita with him. " 

"nop? i thought he was in jail?" my fist were clenching in anger as she stood up, 

"this mysterious person i guess bailed him out and from the looks of it this is the mastermind of their plan. this is very serious Sam. " she said looking at me and i sighed.

" alright, ill inform grandma about all of this." i stood up and went outside the room and to the training ground and called all of them. 

mon approached me and i gave her a towel and water and smiled at her, "thanks love." she said and yuki's eyes rolled, "when do you guys ever stop being sweet to each other?" she asks playfully. 

" never." Mon answered teasingly and Yuki laughed. 

" what seems to be the problem sam?" Jim asked as she's taking her gloves off and wiping her sweat. 

" we know where kirk is but this is much deeper than we thought." they all look confused and i continued. 

for what we thought, kirk was doing it all alone. but we recently discovered that he is just a pawn to this whole plan." 

"what? that's just..unbelievable." Tee said in astonishment. 

" we dont know the identity of the person in charge. but were planning to infiltrate the said place and try to find out who is the boss of this whole thing. that person also has nop and nita on their side." 

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