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Three Years Later...

Mon's pov: 

after our honeymoon in paris we talked about having kids and Sam was very open about the idea and i talked with grandmother over the idea and she was beyond overjoyed over the idea of having grandkids. 

lets not forget when our friends heard about this they all were so excited about becoming an auntie and uncle.

im glad i have a very supportive wife, friends, and a new extended family. 

now here i am in my last month of pregnancy, we are having a baby girl coming our way. 

i woke up to whispers and silent talks from none other than Sam who's talking to my belly, i smiled at the sight.

" hello baby girl....this is your mama speaking, i hope youre okay there. im really excited to see you munchkin...and i swear to be a very good mama to you. ill be there for everything you need as you grow and mami will be there too also. we will be a great parents towards you. now dont make it difficult for mami when you come out okay? i dont want you and mami getting hurt. i love you bub.... " she kissed my stomach and i held her head softly and she looked at me in surprise.

" tee rak i  thought you were asleep, im sorry for waking you up." she smiled softly as she gave me a peck on the lips and i shake my head.

" its okay tee rak...i could get use to this." i smirk and she chuckled and got up. 

" what do you want for breakfast my love?" she asked and i thought for a second.

" strawberry and pancakes please." i smiled and she nodded smiling at me and went downstairs to cook. 

i swung my legs on the bed as i held my baby bump when i felt her kick. 

i groaned and held my stomach, " so energetic in the morning are we munchkin?" i chuckled 

when the pain gradually increases i whimpered in pain. 

" Sam!" i shouted for her and she came running upstairs towards our room panicking.

" love? are you okay? whats wrong?" she held me and i grip her hand.

" i-i think im having c-contractions..." she got wide eyed and looked at me and made me copy her breathing. 

" okay, uhm.....wait here while i get the necessities needed ill call my driver to take us to the hospital." 

i nodded in pain as she rush to get all the things we needed and she held my arm and body as we walk downstairs slowly.

" why did we even take a freaking house with so many stairs.." i said in pain and sam just gulp,

" i-uh....i-ill remodel the whole house for us love.." she said and i groan in pain. 

and just we were gonna get in the car my water broke, sam froze and looked at me.

" dont just stand there help me!" i screamed on Sam as the pain was gradually getting higher. 

the driver drove as fast as he could and minutes later we arrive at the hospital. 

Sam already called our friends and her family and they were all coming, as i was put in the wheelchair sam just held my hand tight as the contractions are getting more painful.

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