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Mon's pov: 

finally that bastard saint is killed and Nueng was right with the anuntrakul name everyone defended grandmother, sam, nueng, and song we played the killing to the press as protection to grandma since he was targeting grandma to get the inheritance and kick the siblings out of the will. 


with that said, we cant avoid thinking about what Saint told us that someone higher than him is targeting us. Even Sam is confuse on who and why is this....woman targeting us, especially Sam, we keep looking through Saint's whereabouts and last meetings to find out who could it be but came out with nothing.

Aside from looking through that information everyone went back to their normal lives,  Kade went back to her place and well...wreak havoc as she is the mafia leader, its still doesnt sink in to me that i have a friend who is a mafia leader.

As for Nueng, she went back to her work fighting off bad guys in the streets and fighting off Kade that is. Tee went on a vacation to heal herself from the death of her twin, i understand why shes like that its not easy loosing someone very dear to you, we visit her twin's grave from time to time.

Yuki, Me, and Song went back to school and everyone was very curious where did we go we just told them we had to take the time off over things and they believed it. and lastly, my girlfriend, no wait, Fiance, went back to her work cause she missed a whole lot of things and grandma scolded her. 

Shocked am i right? shes my fiance now she proposed to me 3 months after the whole incident. 

*flashback to the proposal*

she fetch me in my apartment and told me to put the blindfold on and sit down in the car, 

" are you kidnapping me?" i asked giggling and she chuckled, " if thats what you want then yes, im kidnapping you for being too beautiful." she smiled, i blushed and rolled my eyes and put the blindfold on. she was driving for almost 5 minutes then the car stopped. 

she got off the car and opened the door for me, she held me close leading me to where she want us. 

"and.....stop. take your blindfold off tee rak." she whispered and i took off the blindfold, we were at the beach there was a  candle light dinner infront of us, she was smiling from ear to ear and holding out her hand, " surprise, i know weve been very busy lately after the incident but i wanted to surprise you with a dinner for the two of us." i smiled and hugged her tight, " this is amazing love....thank you.." i kissed her cheek and she blushed, she led me to the chair and sat me down.

we talked about our week and the conversation was just flowing and flowing till we finished our dinner and we walked on the beach hand in hand and reminisce everything that happened in the past months whether it be good or bad.

"Tee rak, i have a question. " she turned to me and smiled,
"what if.... What if that person that Saint told us comes for us?.. " she stopped walking and thought for a while what to say and held my hand.

" well.... Thats another trouble thats for sure... " she chuckled and continued, " But one thing is for certain, i will protect my friends, family, and us. I will not let another one of us die. Not now. Not ever. If i need to kill each and everyone just to keep you guys safe i will. I love you Mon, so fucking much. Youre my sun and moon, my sunset and my sunrise, my favorite person, my cuddle bear, the person i go to when life gets too shitty to handle, my strength to keep on living, the only reason to be happy, to be alive, to be.... Me.... And i have never felt that way with anyone... Just you... I hope you know that my love... " she looked at me with love and adoration in her eyes and the tears in my eyes started to fall and she wiped it from my cheek and kissed me passionately and leaned our foreheads together.

" I love you Mon.... which is why... " she stepped backward and i looked at her confused and switched to a surprise look when she bend down on one knee holding a ring and holding my hand.

" Mon, my love, i have never been more sure about someone in my entire life. I dont let anyone in my life that easily because ive been betrayed and played, i built a very tall wall inside me to prevent me from getting hurt thats why they say im a difficult person. But when i saw you again... I could only tell myself that youre the one... You tore down my walls and warmed my heart with everything you do. You didnt leave me in my darkest moments and the highest of high but instead you stood firm and supported me through and through... Mon.... You surprised me everyday with how understanding, caring, and loving you are... You were just... You, you pulled me from my darkness and you didnt let go.. You made me show the best of me and.... I could never been more happier that you said yes in me being your girlfriend. "
she smiled so sweetly to me and my eyes were betraying me with how much tears have fallen.

" my love.... Would you make me the happiest woman in the entire planet..... Will you marry me?... " i smiled and nodded my head furiously.

" YES! A MILLION TIMES YES SAM! " she wore the ring in  my finger and stood up and held me close and tuck a strand in my hair and closed the gap between us.

" i love you Sam... " i said to her and she smiled.

" i love you mon.. " and we sealed it off with a kiss.

The sunset covering the sky as we kissed and the calming waves witnessing the joy and love we shared.

I could never been more happier...

Helloooo my loveliess! Oh gosh its been weeks! And here i am, i apologize for those days that i have not updated my stories with my mental health not good i felt like i didnt wanna do anything i just wanted to give up. Ive been thinking a lot of stuff and it made me second guess my life...it feels like i dont deserve anything right now. Also, there will be 3 to 2 chapters left in this story, i still have to think about the second series for this. Im really sorry everyone... Ill understand if some of you might not continue to read but i have an original story comin out but dont worry once my mental health is okay ill come back stronger :) im sorry again... Im actually crying while typing this and always know you matter to me each and every one of you i love you my loveliesss!

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