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Chapter 13: There's no A's on the bottom and O's on the top, idiot.

Nie Zihang fried eggs and made sandwiches, freshly baked toast, sandwiched with fried eggs and bacon, and served with a few slices of cucumber and tomato.

All three servings go to the living room.

"Officer Yu, come and try the sandwich I made."

Saying that, he put the plate in front of Yu Jingxuan.

Alpha silently buckled the phone and shook his head: "Thank you, Mr. Nie, I've had breakfast."

Chen Xin, who was thinking about it in the corner, smelled the fragrance and rushed over immediately: "Master, me, me! I will eat!"

Nie Zihang:…

"With you, I haven't eaten for many days, like a starving ghost."

Yu Jingxuan pushed the plate in front of Chen Xin: "I'm not hungry, you have eaten it all. Did you miss breakfast?"

Chen Xin laughed, picked up a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth: "I've eaten it, but the sandwiches made by Master are so delicious, I can't help it!"

His mouth was big, and the pieces Nie Zihang cut were relatively small, so he ate one in one bite.

While chewing, I have to get another one.

Nie Zihang slapped him on the back of his hand: "Is it for you, you can eat it? Go and pass it to Officer Yu."

Chen Xin wronged Baba.

Turning his head and holding the plate, he held it in both hands and handed it to Alpha.

"Officer Yu, eat it while it's hot. It's especially delicious. This toast is crunchy and crunchy in one bite. The egg is runny, and black pepper is on it. Eat it for a year!"

Also very positive.

Yu Jingxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I really can't eat it, I just ate an apple."

After speaking, he looked at the man beside him for help.

Nie Zihang's eyes lingered on his flat stomach for a while, but he really couldn't see how this man was full.

When Alpha began to become a little more cautious under his gaze, he raised his hand: "Okay, next time I want to eat it, I'll cook it for you. This time I'll be cheaper, my stupid apprentice."

Then he took a step with his long legs, passed him directly, sat next to him, and sat in the middle of the sofa.

Seeing this, Chen Xin knew that he was going to work. Immediately, knowingly took something, and sat on the other side.

Nie Zihang turned his head to look at Alpha who was sitting beside him, and raised the corner of his lips toward him: "Go ahead, Officer Yu and I are listening."

Then he took out the tablet from the drawer and clicked on one of the software.

"Officer Yu, I've started recording, and all our conversations have to be recorded, do you mind?"

Yu Jingxuan was startled and shook his head quickly: "The case needs it, I understand."

Obviously it was just a simple response, but Alpha's back straight and the way he sat upright made people feel inexplicably obedient.

Nie Zihang's throat moved a few times, then turned his head and gestured to Chen Xin, "Let's start."

What follows is a long handover.

Chen Xin went through He Cheng's crimes one by one. All the evidences were listed in different categories. Every time one passed, Nie Zihang wrote one down on the tablet.

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