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Chapter 1: As a lawyer, knowing the law and breaking the law is not good, right?

On a summer night, it was already early morning. Even the cicadas squeaked outside had stopped, but the police station, which should have been quiet, was crowded with people.

The ventilator was humming, and the smell of various pheromones remained in the air.

The long-legged Omega was sitting on the stool with his knees crossed. There were three Alphas in police uniforms surrounded by them, but they still looked as usual.

On the opposite side of him, there were also a pair of AOs pressed by the police officer, but their faces were much uglier.

Nie Zihang raised his chin high, raised his eyebrows at the pair on the opposite side, and the corner of his mouth was really proud.

Alpha stood up, fists clenched tightly, and waved straight at him.

However, before he could get close, he was stopped by the tall and strong Alpha|film policemen beside him. But Nie Zihang didn't move at all, not even a single strand of hair was messed up.

"What are you doing? Isn't it honest when you enter the police station?"

There was a cold voice outside, with a faint anger.

Then, he pushed the door and entered a thin, tall man with a portfolio in his hand.

The badge on the man's shoulder is different from the police officers in the room. He looks gentle, but his eyes are rather cold.

The tip of Nie Zihang's nose moved, and he looked away disdainfully.

Che, another disgusting A.

"Nie Zihang, come here."

A cold voice resounded above his head.

Nie Zihang looked up and saw a man in a police uniform looking at him with pursed lips.

Obviously an Alpha, obviously a police officer, but this person's face is delicate and egg white. There is also a small brown mole at the corner of the eye, which makes the already delicate face more feminine.

From the looks of it alone, he really doesn't look like an Alpha.

Nie Zihang lowered his gaze and swept over his chest emblem.

Siren: 39520

Yu Jingxuan

Gee, the name is flamboyant.

"What are you stunned for? Come and make a note."

Yu Jingxuan couldn't help urging him when he saw that he didn't move, but his voice sounded a lot softer than before.

After he finished speaking, he looked impatiently at Alpha who was making trouble just now: "Be honest, do you see the handcuffs in the corner? If you are too tired to sit, just squat over there."

Unexpectedly, Alpha, who has been looking fierce since just now, turned out to be very peaceful. Both eyes were glued to Yu Jingxuan's body, and his expression was somber, as if he had something to say.

But Yu Jingxuan didn't even look at this person, turned around and went to the interrogation room.

Nie Zihang admired A's cowardly look, and then Shi Shiran got up and walked over.

"Tell me, why did you throw pheromone concentrate bombs at the hot pot restaurant?" Yu Jingxuan asked by unscrewing the pen cap.

That's right, the city's most famous lawyer, Nie, appeared at the police station in the early morning because he threw an Omega pheromone concentrate in the busiest hot pot restaurant in the city.

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