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Chapter 36: To love him more (finale)

Although He Chengren was electrocuted, the trial continued.

Nie Zihang never appeared in an unprepared court, and after rounds of evidence, he actually sentenced He Cheng, a scumbag, to 3 years in prison.

In addition, the court also ordered He Cheng to compensate Yu Jingxuan for his mental damage and repay the arrears, totaling 300,000 yuan.

It was not yet noon when I came out of the courtroom.

The sun is very good, the wind blows, and the tall plane trees on both sides of the road are brushing and pulling their leaves for a while.

Nie Zihang took Yu Jingxuan's hand, wrapped it in the palm of his hand, and said, "We won 300,000 for Yuyu."

Alpha's eyelashes drooped down, looking at the palms that the two of them clasped together, and let out a low voice: "Hmm."

Soft sound.

Nie Zihang bowed his head and pressed the corner of his soft lips: "However, it is estimated that even the 100,000 loan will not be recovered."

Alpha tilted his jaw in cooperation and let him kiss: "...It doesn't matter."

Nie Zihang didn't speak any more, he turned around and led someone into the car.

Then, from the front seat of the co-pilot, he took out two dark red notebooks and stuffed them into his arms under Alpha's astonished eyes.

It's their account book.

Opening it, the blue-green grid paper, on the third page, had Nie Zihang's name written on it.

The gender column is marked with clear writing: Omega.

Yu Jingxuan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Nie Zihang took out a bright red box from his pocket and opened it, revealing two simple and generous men's rings: "Officer Yu, I want to enter your account book. Would you consider taking me in... I can do anything. "

Alpha blinked.

On the long eyelashes, the sparkling water glowed.


Nie Zihang smiled: "When did you prepare it? The day you said you wanted to marry me when you were drunk, you started planning."

Saying that, he took out the one on the right and put it on his hand: "It should be suitable. I secretly measured it while you were asleep."

The so-called drowsiness, I know what it means.

Alpha's face fainted with a faint crimson, and he reached out to him.

Nie Zihang held it up and put the ring on his ring finger. Then, he brought it to his lips and kissed it gently.

"In the future, our little fish will be mine."

Yu Jingxuan sniffed, turned his body sideways, and leaned into his arms.

Then, he murmured in a low voice complaining, "There's no one who proposes in the's inconvenient to do anything."

Nie Zihang smiled and hugged his waist and kissed Alpha's soft lips.

Then, his voice whispered to the tip of his red ear and said, "The car is airtight, you can hug and kiss...Baby, what more do you want, eh?"

Alpha lowered his body and plunged his hairy head into his arms.

After a while, he responded in a low voice: "I still want to do... propose marriage, isn't it all... do..."

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