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Chapter 33: Nie Zihang, you little bastard, even Alpha dares!

Nie Zihang opened the door and let him go.

Looking back, I saw Alpha, who had slept until his hair was curled up a little, was putting his shoes back on in embarrassment.

Seeing Nie Zihang look over, his body froze, and he quickly lowered his head.

"Mr. Nie."

Nie Zihang brushed his slightly upturned hair with his fingertips, pressed down gently, and asked, "How long have you been listening?"

Alpha had just woken up, and the alcohol had not yet passed, and his eyes were still slightly red.

"I just went downstairs."

Nie Zihang looked at him with a light smile and said nothing.

Yu Jingxuan swallowed his saliva, guiltily turned his eyes away and dared not look at him: "...five minutes... er, fifteen... twenty-five minutes... let's go."

Nie Zihang burst out laughing.

Half an hour ago, he saw the corner of his clothes on the railing on the second floor. He thought that Yu Jingxuan would go back to his room and wait for him when he saw him talking with people. Unexpectedly, the small piece of clothing remained motionless for a quarter of an hour by the railing.

He speeded up the progress calmly, and finally got all the things to talk about within ten minutes, and then sent An Tong to the door.

On the way to send people off, I already heard the sound of the little fish coming downstairs quietly.

The last time I ate a hot pot, Yu Jingxuan couldn't be jealous. He had to complain to himself when he used the tomato pot ordered by Yun Han to cook meat for him, tsk tsk tsk.

After chatting with Omega for so long today, and finally adding a confession, his little fish still doesn't know what to do with jealousy.

Nie Zihang wrapped his arms around Alpha's waist, raised his lips, and asked him, "Yu Xiaoxuan, are you jealous again?"

Yu Jingxuan lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Nie Zihang mischievously pinched the soft flesh on his waist, Alpha's legs softened, and he pressed his entire body against the wall.

He glanced at him accusingly with slightly drunk eyes, and then looked behind him anxiously.

The living room was empty, and the slanting sunset fell on the coffee table, reflecting the warm yellow.

The door to the bedroom on the first floor was not closed tightly, and Father Nie's snoring sounded up and down, accompanied by the sound of Father Nie's mobile phone swiping dramas.

Yu Jingxuan and Nie Zihang were standing at the corner of the stairs.

Every little sound is amplified infinitely.

Obviously it is a legitimate partnership, and it is approved by the parents, but there is a kind of stealing under the eyes of the parents. feeling of love.

"Don''re going to be seen..."

Yu Jingxuan pushed his shoulder and whispered.

Nie Zihang disagreed, the more Yu Jingxuan was like this, the more he wanted to bully him.

He couldn't blatantly ask for it in his own home, so he kept teasing.

He brought the person to the deepest part of the corner of the stairs, put him close to Alpha's ear, and whispered in a deliberate breath, "You can't see it from here. But baby, you have to be good, don't make a sound, you know. ?"

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