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❝you say that you wanna goto a land that's far awayhow are we supposed to get therewith the way that we're living today?❞

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❝you say that you wanna go
to a land that's far away
how are we supposed to get there
with the way that we're living today?

-money power glory, lana del rey

chapter zero, THE QUEEN OF THE KOOKS

 The air echoed with the squeaking of shoes dragging heavy on the school's linoleum tile. The Kook Academy gleaming with it's students wealth and status. But eyes were on the new girl, Talia Anderson.

Whispers filled the halls, gossip never fully reaching the girl's ears. She kept her headphones on and stared forward, not giving in to trying to listen to the rumours already being spread.

It was only her first day and she already felt suffocated, mostly from the overwhelming scent of polo cologne. The headache causing aroma almost daring her to hold her breath until she became unconscious.

The new girl was naive to believe she would get a break from the attention and glaring after her first week. And suddenly her second week at the school had come and gone and she still spent her class periods in the back, too aware of the gossip flowing through the room around her.

"did you hear she got sent to live with her mom because of a drug problem?" Talia furrowed her brows at the accusation she knew was pointed at her.

"apparently she got kicked out of her old school for having sex in the auditorium" She tried to keep her stare forward and unbreaking.

"well, I heard, since her moms a police officer they bribed their way to get her sent here to keep her from going to juvie" Talia clenched her teeth at the rumours that viciously followed her every move inside the prestigious facility.

Talia Anderson was not a drug addict, nor was she kicked out of school for having sex. And Talia Anderson most certainly was not sent to Kildare County to save her from juvie. Although she wouldn't put bribing past her mother.

Talia Anderson's mother, for some ungodly reason, decided her darling daughter -that she abandoned at some prep school in New York six years ago to forgo the experience of raising her own child- would bring her more value to have as some display of excellence by her side while she transitioned to a higher position at the police station.

Again, bribing was not off the table.

Laurel Anderson was not interested in having a child. She was interested though, in having a walking endorsement that she could bully into making a picture perfect shimmering possession. And that she did.

Talia Anderson left the Academy after class, choosing a change in scenery for her free hour. The girl could not talk herself through another brutal hour of listening to every rich kid on the island speculate on her arrival.

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