01, kildare royalty

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❝making believe that we're cluelessone little spark that we won't put outmakin' a million excusescause isn't it fun just for now?❞

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making believe that we're clueless
one little spark that we won't put out
makin' a million excuses
cause isn't it fun just for now?

-smoke slow, joshua bassett

chapter one , KILDARE ROYALTY

  "You hungry?" Kiara asked, the teenage girl filling out an order on her notepad as Talia Anderson sat across from her at the counter.

"I could eat" Talia shrugged, answering a text fro her mother asking where she was.

It had been a few months since Sarah Cameron's birthday and it was nearing the middle of the summer. "so," Kiara's voice dragged, pulling the other girl from her thoughts.

"hmm?" Talia hummed in question as she looked up.

"what do you want to do tonight?" Kiara asked as she leaned on the counter, the girl taking a quick break from her shift.

"Rachel's hosting a party for the soccer team now that she's finally ungrounded" Talia announced and Kiara furrowed her brows at the mention of the teammate.

"Didn't she get grounded for throwing a party when you guys won the semi?" Kiara asked and Talia nodded.

"yeah, but this time she said her parents are at their summer house and they'll never know"

"she knows they're gonna find out, right?" Kiara laughed and Talia shrugged her shoulders.

"she might be a good goalie but I think she may have taken a few too many balls to the head" Talia's words processed in her mind and she laughed at the double meaning she didn't initially intend to give it.

"who's going?" Kiara asked, filling a glass with soda and sliding it towards Talia who gave her an unsure shrug.

"you don't have to feed me for free you know" She laughed.

"yeah, and she shouldn't be" Mike, Kiara's dad scolded his daughter as he walked out from the back. Kiara made a face at the girl in front of her before moving to the table she was supposed to be cleaning.

"on your way out, which I'm sure will somehow be exactly when my daughter gets off, I'll have some food made up for your mom. Drop it off, will ya?" Mike let out as he counted the till.

"no problem" Talia put a smile on her face, turning back to her phone.

"dad, we have plans after this" Kiara whined when she came back to get a new rag.

"plans can wait the maybe ten minutes it takes to do this," He told her and she let out a sigh. "now go do your job, Kiara. Your shift is almost over" He pointed to the tables behind her and she sent Talia an annoyed look.

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