Part 11

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Mattheo's POV

I read another chapter by the time everyone got to the courtyard.

Allie was engrossed in her book and hadn't even realised the whole group was here

I peered over her shoulder to see that she was coming to the end of her chapter so I tapped her shoulder.

"Allie" I whispered into her ear

"Hmm" she made a noise

"Everyone's here, are you going to talk or do you want to continue reading?" I whisper in her ear

"What" she said out loud

She looked up from her book to see everyone

"Hi" she said

"Enjoying your book?" Draco asked her

"Yep" she answers before putting her head back in her book

We all talk well everyone except Allie, we talk for about an hour and it starts to get cold.

I notice her shiver so I take of my jumper and give it to her.

I notice her shiver so I take of my jumper and give it to her

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A/N: Pretend it's that writing on a green jumper.

She looks at me confused before realising I have it to her to put it on.

She leans over to me and says "Thank you" I give her a smile and then she joins into the conversation.

About an hour goes by and it's now super windy so we decide to go back inside.

I was about to pick her up when she turns around to me and says "can we see if I can walk yet"

"Sure" I help her up to stand and she takes a step and stops, she doesn't fall, she takes another step and stops and doesn't fall. She turns to me and doesn't fall.

She walks back to me without stopping and falls into me, I catch her as she crashes into my chest. She looks up at me and bursts out laughing, I can't help myself so I start to laugh to.

Everyone turns around to see us laughing and don't question it, so they go back to the common room.

"Do you want to walk to the common room with me holding onto you incase you fall or do you want me to carry you?" I ask

"Umm can I try to walk but you better stay next to me" she says to me

"Yes Ma'am" I say with a chuckle

Allison's POV

We slowly make our way to the dungeons, getting occasional weird glances.

When we get to the stairs I can already tell this isn't going to end well. So I stop.

"You ok Allie"

"Umm yeah"

We get down the first step, and I'm fine. We go down another step and my legs buckle making me tumble forward.

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