6: Burning Vengeance

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Felix thrusts Jungkook in front of the dragon preparing to burn him alive.

"For the crime of assaulting a noble, you are sentenced to death Jungkook." Felix says with a smirk.

Felix holds Jungkook in his ironclad grip. The dragon's throat glows red-hot with deadly fire.

With as much strength as he can muster, Jungkook slams his foot into felix's boot. But it's no use.

"Nice try, but you're not running from me again."

"Felix, you will burn in hell for this." Jungkook says still struggling in felix's hold

"The only one burning here is you, sweetheart."

"Felix, stop this–" Taehyung's order falls on deaf ears. He sprints towards Jungkook but there's no denying it..... The fire will reach him first.

"I'll miss this body of yours, Jungkook. Shame I didn't get to enjoy it more."

Jungkook sees the fire roiling in dragons jaws. Resigning himself, Jungkook closes his eyes and awaits the worst. A rumbling growl sounds, deeper than thunder. Then Jungkook feels intense heat rain down upon him.

But Jungkook doesn't burn. Instead, a massive shadow blankets him. Taehyung's great black dragon curls his body around Jungkook protectively.

"Taehyung. Thank you so much."

Taehyung bows his head as if to say "you're welcome."

"Damn it, Taehyung. He crushed my hand. We execute slaves for far less."

Taehyung roars ferociously in felix's face. The executioner bellows and sends orange flame in Jungkook's direction. Taehyung blocks it easily. Then, he rears back, and blasts the executioner's leg with white-hot blue flame.

Crying out, the executioner morphs down into his human form and scrambles away, his leg horribly burned. Taehyung shifts back down into his powerful human form and storms over to felix.

"You heard me, felix. You heard me order you to stop." Taehyung growled.

"And you heard me. He deserves to DIE." Felix shouted.

It looks like Taehyung's going to hit felix. But instead he grabs the sword from his belt.

"You need blood payment? You'll have it." Saying this, Taehyung dips the sword into a patch of grass, that burns bright with his blue flame. When it's good and hot, he brings it to his own arm. 

Jungkook's eyes widen in panic, "wait! Burn me instead!" 

Ignoring him, taehyung presses the blistering blue blade to his flesh. Jungkook watches in horror as Taehyung's flesh sears violently beneath the blade. Taehyung grits his teeth in pain. Jungkook is surprised that he couldn't feel any of taehyung's pain, he realises that taehyung is protecting him from that pain too.

"There's your payment. Now forget this ridiculous grudge once and for all, Felix." Taehyung throws the blade at Felix's feet. Felix scowls.

"I don't think so"

With one final searing look, Taehyung grabs jungkook's wrist, pulls him to the edge of the cliff and...... leaps off.

"Whoa! Are you crazy?" Taehyung answers by flinging jungkook high and shifting swiftly into his dragon form.

The dragon catches jungkook in his talon and carries him off into the horizon. 

When they land back at the castle, Taehyung drags him back to his chambers. Everyone stares at them and whispers. On reaching the chambers, taehyung swings the door shut with so much force that it splinters. 

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