12. The Carnal Desires

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"You have to fight me, jungkook." Taehyung's electric blue eyes blaze in the darkness as he grips his chest, contorting, growing far more intense and feral. "Don't let me come anywhere near you."

"Taehyung, get a hold of yourself!"

"I can't......this drug.........it's taking over me.."

Jungkook backs away on the bed as the last of taehyung's voice disintegrates into an animalistic snarl. With a low threatening growl, taehyung suddenly lunges for him. Jungkook ducks and rolls off the mattress right before taehyung is able to pin him. The force of taehyung's massive, untamed body cracks the bed frame. He leaps from the bed with inhuman agility, landing on his feet right in front of jungkook. He backs up.

"Stop.....you...you don't want to do this, taehyung."

"Claim...claim you." The dark, commanding words boiling up from taehyung's throat, threatening to burn. "I will....have you.." Taehyung throws his arms out and catches jungkook around the waist, lifting him into the air. Jungkook kicks and screams. "Mine...my mate...my only!" Taehyung sniffs his neck, and jungkook could feel his hands inch higher, a groping hunger in his touch. Jungkook lifts his arm, aiming for taehyung's nose with a silent apology. Then, he slams his elbow into taehyung's nose with all his might. Taehyung roars and his grip loosens. Jungkook somersaults out of his reach.

"You don't want to do this, taehyung. Stop." Jungkook's words resound throughout the cave, in his bestial ears.

Taehyung's blue eyes widen. "...Jungkook..." His name comes from taehyung's mouth like a tortured gasp. The pain so clear it makes jungkook's heart twist. Taehyung tears at his leather strapped chest, warring between beast and man. "No! Won't hurt him! Can't!" He claws at his own skin, roaring with the frustration and the pain. When his hungry eyes land on jungkook once more, he opens his mouth wide...releases his dragon fangs...and bites down on his own arm.

"Taehyung! No!"

Tears prick taehyung's wild eyes as he sinks his teeth into his own flesh again and again, his voice strangled and desperate. "Won't! Hurt! Him!"

"Taehyung, please stop!" With the focus of a predator, taehyung's eyes snap to him. Jungkook turns to run. "No no no!" He flings himself away from taehyung, but it's no use. Taehyung's too fast. He slams jungkook to the ground snarling like a wild beast. Jungkook throws his hands up in defense, and Taehyung's fangs sink deep into his palm. A tidal wave of burning pain suddenly shoots through his bloodstream, like acid.

The shock of seeing him in pain brings taehyung back. He blinks in horror. Jungkook wants to be strong, he wants to tell to taehyung not to worry but the pain is far too great. Jungkook screams, gritting his teeth.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung's hold on him tightens. Taehyung lifts jungkook's palm and starts sucking off the venom. Jungkook screams as acid like venom shoots through him. Taehyung holds him as still as he can. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." After what feels like an eternity, the venom is sucked off. Weak but finally free of his suffering, jungkook falls against taehyung's chest. "Let's get you to the bed." Taehyung lifts jungkook effortlessly into his arms. Jungkook knots his hands in the leather strap at his chest. "Just rest, Jungkook. It's okay."

When they reach the bed, Taehyung lays jungkook on the soft mattress, stroking his hair. "I'm sorry this happened. If I'd known what they were planning I would have-"

"It wasn't something you could control."

"But I'm the Dragon King. I should be able to overcome a mere drug." With a little strength left with jungkook, he lifts himself up in bed. "What are you doing? Lie down."

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