15. Unburnt

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Jungkook rises from the ashes, naked before the twin dragon kings.......Unburnt. 

"What is this? Some kind of fucking trick?" V said agitated.

"It's pure power" Jungkook said now a blue glow surrounding him. 

Taehyung looked at jungkook and smiled "It is. Power you should fear, V." He finds a tattered blanket and wraps it around jungkook's body. 

"Power I should fear, huh?" V's grimace slowly melts into a sinister smile. He closes the gap between him and jungkook and grabs his arm. "Is that what you'd call this?" V holds up his arm upto the light, the bandage burned away to reveal his Dragon's Mark.  

"That's- that's nothing. It's a tattoo. Nothing more." 

"A tattoo that glows and protects you from fire that should have melted the flesh from your bones? No. I know exactly what this is and exactly who gave this to you."

Blood pounds in jungkook's ears as V turns to face taehyung, sadistic pleasure plain on his face. "To think, taehyung...The answer to your downfall was here the whole time. Right in front of me." He squeezes jungkook's arm tighter pulling him closer, sniffing his neck. 

"Get away from him!" Taehyung's eyes blaze a furious blue as he lunges for V, tackling him to the ground. V is strong but taehyung is stronger. He punches his twin brother again and again and again. 

Thinking fast jungkook grabs one of V's sharp torture devices and stabs him deep in the back of the knee. V goes rigid on the floor giving him and taehyung a second to escape. Taehyung grabs his hand as they sprint from the cell. 

"GET THEM!!!" V's bellow alerts dozens of guards. They pour out into the hall, their furious faces shifting as they grow in size. 

"Tae, how are we-"

"Come on!" Taehyung kicks into a higher gear, practically dragging him through the torrent of shifting enemy dragons. They finally spot the door at the end of the tunnel: their one and only path to freedom.

"We'll never make it!"

"We will, just jump when I tell you to."

"Jump? But-"

Taehyung begins to darken and shift. His draconian eyes flashing blue as he kicks the door down. They reach on the edge of a sheer mountain cliff. Taehyung leaps off of it. Suddenly, he transforms, his sleek, powerful dragon back perfectly poised to catch jungkook mid-air. Behind him, jungkook sees V's enormous, deadly red dragon rampaging through the hall. Jungkook turns towards taehyung, closes his eyes and...jumps. He opens his eyes when he realises that he is on taehyung's back, safe and sound. Spotting a small crevice, taehyung lands and jungkook leaps off his back. 

"We should be safe here. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"I can't believe it. You- you were caught in flames, you should have-"

"I should have died, I know."

"God. Jungkook.." Taehyung skates his hand down to his blackened Dragon's mark. 

"Maybe it was your mark that saved me. Maybe there's something more to it. Something that makes me-"

"I don't care what it was." Taehyung pulls him in a bruising hug, holding him fast to himself as he buries his head in the boy's shoulder. "I don't care. The only thing I care about is that you're safe. For a second....I really thought I lost you, jungkook...I thought.."


After a long moment, taehyung finally detaches himself from jungkook, looking at the Dragon's mark. "Whatever this new power of yours is...it won't protect us from V knowing about this now."

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