17. Sparks of war

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"What is this....New Power?"

(Sorry for the bad editing but I tried my best) (this is how he looks when he summons his powers)

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(Sorry for the bad editing but I tried my best) (this is how he looks when he summons his powers)

Jungkook feels a new level of control and connection to his power. The flames from the fire whisper to him, hugging his body, almost as though accepting him fully for the first time. Careful to aim away from taehyung, he throws a strong punch in the air. The flames hurtle forward as though they are an extension of his arm, blasting a blackened hole into the stone wall. 

Taehyung was awestruck seeing jungkook surrounded by beautiful flames wrapped around his body. "Petal....you..."

"I think...I think I can control it now."

Jungkook could feel the power pulse through his veins, as though it has its own heartbeat, its own lifeforce. It comes to him as though it has chosen him. "It feels amazing, like I am finally whole..."

"It is amazing...you are amazing, petal." 

Suddenly, they hear footsteps descending into the prison. Jungkook's heart skips a beat "Is it...dawn?"

"Petal, leave me...you can get away now.."

"No. They're planning to execute you...I can't-"

"If you don't get out of here, what is the point of any of this?"

"The point is, I find a way to free us both.." 

"Can't you see that's impossible?" Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut, practically shaking with fury. "Watching my brother hurt you like he did..... it almost killed me.. I can't go through that again.. I can't let you go through that again.." 

The guards arrive at the door, armed to the the teeth, scowling at them. "Well if it isn't the false king and his human toy." "Afraid...time's up for you both. Lord V has quite a lot planned for you both." 

Taehyung snarls as they open the cell, he whispers under his breath. "Petal. When they get close, I want you to run for that crack in the wall. You can make it."

"No. You're powerless in those chains, remember? You can't-"

"I don't care. Just do it." 

The tallest guard draws closer, releasing his venomous fangs with a sickening smile. "I wonder...with your power drained, what will dragon's venom feel like in your veins, slave breeder?"

Jungkook's eyes flick to the candles on the wall, the power within simmering just beneath the surface....Waiting to be called forth..  He snaps his head back when he hears taehyung groaning only to find the tall guard sinking his fangs into taehyung's flesh. His heart twists and whatever happens after that is autonomous. Jungkook moves his hand towards the guard and the fire follows the direction, the guard dodges it but the fire hits taehyung's chains, freeing him from captivity. The guards move towards jungkook but taehyung stands in front of him. The next minute all the guards were slumped on the floor at taehyung's feet. As soon as he's done, taehyung slumps on the ground writhing in pain. 

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