10. My Courtesan

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"By Royal decree, I claim this man as my Royal Courtesan." 

"As in your royal lover?" Jungkook asks taehyung with widened doe eyes.

"Yes, bun. A person equal to my queen. Mine to treasure and mine to love. My Paramour"

"Your what?" Lisa was in shock, a scowl on her face. 

"You all heard me."

 Lisa fumes as taehyung lifts jungkook from the fighting pit and carries him away from the crowd. 

"Taehyung, are you sure about this?"

"It's done. I had to-" Taehyung halts in his tracks when someone appears in their path. 

"Ah, my king. So, jungkook will be your Royal Courtesan?" It was the high priest.

"High priest. I didn't realise you heard that."

The priest cocks his head, an unreadable, unsettling expression on his face. "Tell me what brought about this decision, your grace?" Taehyung's grip on jungkook tightens. 

"Even with my upcoming wedding, I can't deny. I crave this man." Taehyung threads his hand around jungkook's waist. Jungkook's mark thrums with taehyung's unease. "My queen will not satiate my appetites. But my courtesan is more than willing." 

With that taehyung takes jungkook and leads him to the tent. When they're safely hidden behind the canvas of the tent, taehyung puts him down and jungkook backs away. 

"Taehyung this is dangerous."

"It is the only way to keep you from being destroyed. Why did you jump into that pit?" Taehyung's wrathful eyes pierce jungkook in the darkness. He feels a pang of guilt. 

"I had to. I couldn't let hyung of all people die like that."

"If you had given me a second to think, I could have saved him without risking-"

"You can't save everyone all by yourself, Taehyung!"

"Neither can you!" 

Before jungkook could respond the entrance to their tent opens with black fury. Lisa storms in. "You made that pathetic fucktoy your royal courtesan? In front of everyone?"

"Don't talk about him that way."

"You forget that I have more power than you, taehyung. I know what you did to felix." Taehyung pales at Lisa's words. She strides up to him, and to jungkook's shock.....Taehyung backs up. "You killed your friend. You murdered him."

"That's not true. It was all me." Jungkook says as he doesn't want taehyung to blame himself.

"I don't believe that for a second. Felix couldn't have been brought down without Taehyung's strength." She rounds on Taehyung again, backing him into the darkest corner of the tent. "You enjoyed it, didn't you? Watching him die."

"N-no. I-"

"You bathed in his blood, laughed as he died. He was your friend, taehyung! He was like your brother! You disloyal, traitorous murderer!" Lisa raises her hand to strike him but taehyung doesn't move. Jungkook is quick to move in front of taehyung, catching lisa's hand and striking her with a slap instead. 

"You little whore." Lisa moves towards jungkook.

"You won't touch him." Taehyung brings jungkook behind him. 

"What are you going to do to stop me? Don't forget, I have you blackmailed. I'll torture jungkook however I see fit. In here, in the front of others-"

"You're forgetting, I just named him my Paramour." Taehyung looks up, still shaking. "In his new position, Jungkook is no longer a slave. He has a much higher station. And I am still your King."

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