1 | typa girl.

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╰┈➤ ❝ [In which Kim Seungmin is the type of guy that everybody wants.] ❞

→ college au !

→ rejection?


typa girl that'll make you wanna dream

The school hallways were filled with the echoes of someone's footsteps. All the students stepped aside, making way for the brunet boy who walked into the hallways with the most precious smile plastered over his face. 

typa girl that come straight of off the screen. 

The younger boy, whose name happened to be Seungmin, walked towards his locker, politely smiling to everyone who stared at him. 

typa girl you wanna ice up, make me freeze. 

''Seungmin-oppa! I-I really like you! Will you go out with me...? Today?'' A cute girl tells him, fixing her round glasses in flustered-ness. Seungmin chuckles awkwardly and looks around him for help. 

typa girl you wanna wife-up sign the pre. 

''Umm, I'm really sorry... but I don't feel the same way as you... I'm really sorry!!'' He exclaimed as a wave of guilt washed over him. The girl giggled at his cuteness and shook her head. 

''It's okay, oppa. You don't have to be sorry! See you later!!'' She said waving him goodbye and running away with her friends, giggling. 

I bring money to the table, not your dinner. 

The entire school watched the confession, knowing how it was probably gonna end. It's not like it was the first time someone confessed to Seungmin and he rejected them politely. 

Both my body and my bank account, good figure. 

Kim Seungmin, a literal sweetheart, the school's lover boy. The entire school adored him a lot, from the principal to the teachers, from the students to even the janitors, all of them admired him a lot. 

No, he wasn't some rich dad's son or a fuckboy. He was the sweetest, kindest, most generous boy you'll ever meet. He was a like a ball of sunshine, a ray of hope, the first snow in winter, a sip of water to the dehydrated. He was perfect

Thinking bout me but there's nothing to consider. 

And so, popularity comes with a price. The poor boy had to deal with love letters, chocolates, flowers, confessions and a lot more every day. And though being popular, he never took advantage of that fact, never treated anyone badly and never misbehaved. That was something the others looked up to him for. 

If I let you in my circle you a winner. 

Being nice wasn't the only reason for his fame, needless to say, he was quite attractive. His beautiful brown eyes, the way they would twinkle every time he got excited. His brunet hair, the way they would fall on his hair every time he took a nap. His fluffy cheeks, the way they would puff up every time he would eat something. His rosy lips, the way they would form into a pout when things didn't go his way. Kim Seungmin was etheral

didn't know that you were cold till you felt my fire, heaven's gate just opened up, hearing choirs. 

''Hyunjin! He's standing over there! Go talk to him!'' The older male said, pushing the latter but Hyunjin looked at him with a glare. 

''Hyung! What the hell!? Didn't you just see what happened now? Seungmin just rejected that girl!'' He exclaimed sadly. 

The other sighed and patted his shoulder. ''Welp, better luck next time then. '' He said. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and removed his hands from his shoulder. 

''Stop it, Chan hyung. It's not like he has rejected me already. ''

If you say something else, you a liar. 

And before everyone else; it was Hyunjin. 

Hyunjin, who fell in love with him, long before he was popular, long before he was showered with chocolates, notes and flowers. Long before anyone noticed him. 

Before everyone else; it was Hyunjin. The one who guided him around the school, the one who talked to him, the one who became his friend

Cause I'm that girl that drive you crazy, but you can't leave me alone. 

''Yeah, whatever. Now go! He's looking for you! I've to go to class, see ya later!'' Chan said, leaving the lovesick boy alone.

Got you thinking maybe, I went supernatural. 

Hyunjin sighed but straightened his posture as soon as he saw his friend walking over to him. 

''Hyunjin! Hey!'' Seungmin exclaimed, running over to him excitedly. 

Hyunjin smiled at him, trying to calm the chaos inside of his body as soon as his body came in colliding with the younger's. Seungmin pulled away from the hug and looked at him with a bright smile. 

''Hey, Hyunnie. I missed you!'' He said, a small pout on his face and Hyunjin swore he melted right then and there. 

He slapped himself mentally, trying to keep his composure and gave him a smile. ''I missed you too, Min. So much!!'' And he didn't lie about that. It had been like two days since he saw the younger and it drove him crazy. 

Put you under spells or look into a crystal ball, I'm not like these other girls at all. 

As much as it hurt to admit, he could never have Seungmin. The Kim Seungmin, whom everybody wanted, was way out of his league. 

I'm the typa girl that make you forget that you gotta type. 

The Kim Seungmin, who drove everyone crazy with a single smile. The Kim Seungmin, who made everyone forget about their lovers and chase after him instead. 

Type that make you love me when the only thing you've done is like. 

The Kim Seungmin, who was loved by everybody. 

I'm the typa girl, I'm the typa girl. 

The Kim Seungmin, whom Hwang Hyunjin loved. 

I'm the typa girl, I'm the typa girl :) 


btw, I just realised that you actually use 'brunet' for boys and 'brunette' for girls ;-;

TYPA GIRL | Seungjin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now