6 | mirror. (1/3)

497 7 44

╰┈➤ ❝ [In which Kim Seungmin likes summoning demons.] ❞

→ horror au !

→ tw; extreme age gap/paedophilia



A small smile settled upon the younger boy's face after his parents tucked him into bed. 

''Good night, Minnie. Sleep well!'' The boy's mom said, kissing her son's forehead. The boy gave her an excited nod with his twinkling eyes. ''Night night, Mommy!!'' He exclaimed. 

The younger boy's dad chuckled and switched off the lights. ''Good night, my champ! Don't be a naughty boy and play with your toys okay?'' The boy nodded and closed his eyes, turning his head to the side as he waited for his parents to leave. 

After somewhat a few seconds, the door shut close, making the room turn pitch black and the only source of light now turned to be the moon. 

The little boy, named Seungmin, scurried off the bed with his puppy soft toy. He giggled to himself before placing the puppy on the ground, and went away to the corner of the room, bringing out a medium-sized mirror. 

He placed the mirror on the ground, supporting it on the edge of the bed as he sat in front of it. Seungmin then bought a white candle and carefully tried to light the matchsticks. 

His eyes brimmed with crystals of tears when he almost burned his small, delicate palms with the flame, however, he didn't give up. After a few tries, he was successful. 

(A/N; I've never tried to light up a matchstick ever in my life. My mom once told me to do it, and I almost burned the curtains lmao)

Seungmin giggled to himself and clapped his hands together, stridently, on his victory. Seungmin then placed the candle right in front of the mirror and held his puppy tight. 

''Are you ready, Minnie?'' He whispered excitedly to the stuffed toy and chuckled, before gripping it tight. He looked at the mirror, gazing into his own eyes as he took a deep breath. 

'' 아득히 번지는 melody

하루 종일 들려 in my head

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Happily ever after the end, 쉿

완벽히 가려져버린 everything

비밀 속 간직 했었던 story

황홀한 dream 안에 갇힌 irony ....'' 

He finished his little song with a smile, but soon his entire body flinched upon hearing a loud smash from inside the mirror. 

His eyes widen and he gripped his puppy tight, upon seeing his reflection slowly fading away and the mirror now turning black. 

He squinted his eyes, leaning a bit forward after a few seconds had passed by and nothing out of the ordinary happened. 

A loud gasp escaped from Seungmin's mouth and he quickly backed away, upon seeing a young man walk in front of the mirror. 

The man seemed to have all dark attire, his hair falling on his forehead, pupils blood red and skin unusually pale. 

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